Chapter 4: It's getting hot in here

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     Rewind: "This is all funny and cool but you don't know anything about Ayato," Sayu said half-asleep,

"What do you mean by that?"

"After all he's the one that had THEM attack you"

"What- are you joking?" Itto yelled, not waiting for an answer before running out of the room. No one ran after the red oni, Ayaka smiled and Sayu started to laugh. Thoma's face was a bit coinfected but he giggled a bit under his breath and Yoimiya had a big smile as she ate the Dango from the table,

"SAYU DID YOU PUT THE FOOD YOU ALREADY ATE BACK ON THE TABLE!" she screamed as she dropped the slimy and sticky mochi on the floor.


This is the first and probably the only time I will be writing smut. This will be the crappest smut you have ever read, so get ready :).

     Itto ran from Ayaka's room to Ayato's office and busted open the door, close to tears. Ayato was calmly finishing his work for the day before Itto jumped on him with a sad look on his face,

     "Did you send those dudes to hurt me?" The Oni said bluntly, Ayato cursed Ayaka under his breath. Wishing and hoping that Itto would believe whatever nonsense would come into his mouth at the moment. There was a pause before Ayato finally spoke up,

     "Who told you that?" Itto's face dropped as his eyes got watery,

     "Ayaka, she told me this a minute ago " Ayato sighed as the thought about punching his adorable little sister and all of her friends in the face,

     "Look Itto," Ayato held Itto's hand and pulled his face to his, "Ayaka is a joker, whether she seems to like it or not that it's what she. Though she seems like she has a stick up her ass, she loves to joke, but that joke was very insensitive so I will speak to her about this matter. For now, you stick around in my room." Itto beamed upon hearing the information,

     "I knew you could never do anything that horrible, well, at least not to me!" Ayato let out a sigh of relief as he praised all the Archons, for letting Itto, his "lover" be so sweet and so stupid. Well, I didn't do anything to get him that hurt, but him getting mad at those girls would put me under the stress of a screaming sister about her girlfriend being sad or a "boyfriend" that hates the people that live in the house.

     Ayato finally finished his hellish work an hour and a half later he quickly started to stretch and Itto came behind him and gave him a big hug.

     " Hey, Anki~ Do you want to have some fun~?" Itto said with a flirty tone, to Ayato it would be a waste  to let this amazing thing pass him by, but playing dumb would be hilarious,

     "Well, what do you mean by that? What games do you want to play, my "dear" Oni?" He said, getting closer and closer to Itto's face,

     "You know what it is, Ayato!" Itto turned his head as his face turned a shade of bright red, Ayato smiled,

     "But I don't? Wouldn't you tell me, my "dear" Oni," Ayato and Itto were so close that they were breathing on each other. Itto's face was beet red as they kissed, it was soft and caring, yet it ended in seconds as Itto pulled away,

     "OK, you have to understand now!" Itto faces were still beet red,

     "Of course I do, "darling". Now don't you want to go for a long time?" Ayato grinned, getting closer to Itto once again, Itto started to grin as well,

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