Michael Myers - New Living Accommodations

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Note: I've only seen the first movie...


The afternoon air held a light breeze and the trees swayed with the wind. Robert pulled his sweater closer to his body in the attempt to ward the chill away. He glanced at his watch,


The trick-or-treaters were thinning out. Robert set the bowl of candy down, opting instead to wait on the porch with a blanket.

Robert's favorite holiday was probably Halloween. It had been since he was younger, despite growing up with his parents telling him about the Boogey Man.

Honestly, he didn’t believe it much. Sure, there had been murders, but things like that happen sometimes. Not to mention he's locked up. Right?

The shape that Robert could just barely see across the street said otherwise. Now, the blonde had seen enough movies to know he should go inside. He contemplated for a moment and in the end, left the bowl on the porch where he had set it before, opting instead to enter the safety of his own home.

He shut and locked the door, mentally checking the locks on the windows as well as the back door. Robert nearly instantly felt better, sitting down on his couch to read.


Robert woke with a start, not having realized he had been asleep. He darted off the couch, wondering what had woken him. A scream sounded. It seemed far away, as if, perhaps, a few houses down. Robert hastily lifted his wrist closer to read the time.


Should he investigate? Was risking his own safety something he was willing to do?

His answer came when he heard another scream. Robert dashed for the door, running out of it with haste. He waited and another scream came from down the road. He rushed, seeing a couple of kids on the front of a worn down houses' porch, looking concerned in a drunken daze.

Robert ran over. “You need to leave!” He cried, pulling them up. “Go!”

The kids stumbled down the road, but Robert paid them no mind, rushing into the house fearing what he might find.

There was a girl on the stair case, void of any clothing. She was dead.

Robert glanced away after his assessment, wanting to give her whatever remaining dignity she deserved. He stepped around her body, heading up as no one was downstairs. More chaos ensued. Bodies were strewn over the floor, most of then partially dressed and others weren’t wearing anything.

Robert at first thought rape, but was aware of a time when he had attended a similar party. Most of the kids go upstairs to … well, Robert didn’t want to think about it. No matter what they were doing before they died, they hadn’t really deserved a death like this.

He continued through the upper levels of the house, believing himself to be alone. That was until a sharp pain grew in his shoulder. Robert cried out in pain, the warm liquid dripping onto his fingers when he reached for the wound. He fell against the wall in his haste to turn around.

There stood a man, dressed in blue coveralls. A white latex mask rested on his face, darkening the eyes to the point where Robert couldn’t see them. He raised the knife again and Robert fell to the ground, attempting to shimmy away.

The knife got lodged in the door frame he had been standing in front of before. The man simply tugged on it, a few splinters of old wood coming loose. Robert hadn’t stayed to watch long, already on his feet and halfway down the stairs. He rushed for the door, swinging it open as he made a mad dash for the street. He was interrupted by the man from before.

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