3 | Time

241 11 37


。・:*:・゚★,。・:*:・゚☆   。・:*:・゚★,。・:*:・゚☆

Y/N pov

It's been a few days of me sleeping in the same bed as Harry. It was helping me sleep perfectly but I started to notice small things about him. Like his occasional sigh when he's bored. Or the way he moves his hair to eat. I could feel my face heat up just thinking about him. At the moment, we were all in the living room. Since there were only three seats, I was sitting on the arm rest of Harrys chair. His elbow was resting on my thigh since I was taking it.

Harry must've noticed my face redden because he asked, "You okay, Y/N? Your face is red. You feeling okay?"

"Oh! uh... yeah. haha. Thanks," I tried to avoid eye contact and laugh it off.

It once again went silent, the only thing to hear was the sound of Robins rocking chair and the clock ticking.

Getting bored and deciding to make a move, I sigh loudly and plop into Harrys lap. He jumps slightly, surprised of what just happened.

"Come on Y/N... Stop mucking around!" He crossed his arms but didn't do anything about you. Still sitting the same. "We only have five minutes until our shows on."

"That's not enough time," Robin said while checking his pocket watch.

Then an unfamiliar voice started to speak out of nowhere, "there's always time for a song," I started to look for where the voice was coming from but couldn't find a person anywhere. My heart started to pick up, maybe its another thing like last week. Inside of my mind I was praying and hoping it wasn't.

We all looked at each other when Harry spoke up, "Who's that guy?" While pointing at the clock that was above the TV. The clock now had eyes and a mouth rather than the. well. no eyes or mouth.

Then the clock hopped down, suddenly having arms and legs, along with a bowtie. He put his hands on his 'hips' and rocked back and forth, music also appearing.

We all just stared at him. I sat up, pushing myself into Harry. He grabbed my hand, possibly sensing I was starting to have a panic attack.

"Time is a tool you can put on the wall, or wear it on your wrist," He grabbed Mannys arm, bringing it up to reveal a watch on him. "The past is far behind us," pointing to a picture of the three then all us four. "The future doesn't exist."

Manny looked at his watch, likely not knowing how to read it, he asked, "What's the time?"

"It's quarter to nine," then we all somehow got into the bathtub, filled with bubbles. I was naked and quickly covered myself, embarrassed to be in a bath filled with men. Luckily the bubbles were high enough to cover anything, anyway. "Time to have a bath."

"What do you mean? We're already clean!"

The clock lifted Mannys arm and started to scrub his armpit, "Scrub, scrub, scrub till the water brown!" The bath then turned brown.

"Time is a ruler to measure the day, it doesn't go backwards, only one way, like a Merri-go-round." His clock arms started to spin across his face. Then Manny got caught in a trance of the arms going back and forth. "Going so fast like a Merri-go-round." Then the music changed into a softer tune along with his voice, "Lets go on a journey, a journey through all time! Time that's changing all the time! Its time to go to time!"

"But we don't really want to. We're going to miss our show," Harry spoke up, pulling up the TV show timing and trying to show the clock.

Then the clocks eyebrows furrowed, "Don't be STUPID, friends! Come on, it's time to go!"

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