Chapter VII

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Rush left their house exited for their date.
rush hurried through the city to reach the fantasy caffe. This caffe was known for its cutsey food and drinks.
Rush entered the caffe exited to see Rumpelstiltskin sitting there.
but insted he was no where to be found, but thats ok!
because rush was like 10min early, so they just sat at a table waiting for their date.
10 minutes passed and Rumpelstiltskin was still no where to be found, maybe he was running late?
rush waited another 5 minutes still full of hope...
A waiter came up to rush once again. "are you waiting for someone ma'am?"
Rush looked up at the waiter looking down at them.
"y-yes i actually am! he's running a bit late tho.."
"Well, im sure he'll arive soon. Do you prefer to order now, or when he arrives here?" ansked the waither in a sweet voice.
"i'll order when he's here."
"alright ma'am." The waiter went to another table, and served the costumers there.
Another 5 minutes passed, Rumpelstiltskin still no where to be found.
Rush thought of calling him, but they dont wanna seem needy or clingy..
another 5 minutes passed and rush finally gathered up the courege to call Rumpelstiltskin...

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