Chapter IX

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Rush thanked Rumpelstiltskin for the ride, and went inside his house.
Rush threw himself over the bed.
He was quite tired after the date,  with his new super hot and sexy crush.
Rush gently reached for his phone, a shining shine was seen in his eyes.

Rush reached for the phone with his small and pretty hands, he had on grey and black nail polish, because he was different and quirky.
He called his bestie 'San'
"Heyyyy bestieeee!!!! I just went on a date with a guy and he was sooooo hot!" Rush cheered.
"Do not-
Oh, nice. Send me picture of him" San replied,

*A pic of Rumpelstiltskin from shrek*

"Eww" San replied as they stared at the picture of a short ginger man, who looked like he lived in the sewers.
Rush looked at his phone for a moment, then him and his best friend San burst out with laughter.
“A-alrigh, alright.” Rush said in between laughs.
“Ahhhhh, I need to go. Byyyyyyeeeeeeee San” rush said happily, he hung up even before San could say goodbye as well.

Rush went to twitter to tell people about his date.
Rush was on twitter for a while now, his account had around 2.1M followers.
He also sometimes streamen on twitch, or on onlyfans.
He was quite popular on those platforms.
A lot of people love his quirkiness and sexiness.
His main job was onlyfans,
and he streamed on twitch for fun.
Rush got up, brushing his dark locks away from his beautiful dark shiny orbs.
He went over to a drawer where he pulled out a sexy bikini and cutesy cat ears.
Rush hurried to the bathroom to change, and do his make up.
When on camera Rush prefers to look as good as possible for his fans.


Rush took one last look in the mirror before heading over to his filming ‘studio’
IN the studio/room there were some chairs, a table, a big bed, a strange looking chest, and filming equipment.
Rush walked over to the big chest where there were-

//to be continued

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