we'll always be right here (Hinata + team platonic (some DaiSuga))

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Art is not mine!!

So this is an interesting one. It's really sweet and simple but I had a ton of fun writing it.
Also, I copy and paste these stories into Wattpad from a different app, and that means everything I italicized or boldened becomes undone, so if u see a part that doesn't make sense, comment and if it's broken or whatever lol I'll fix it or clear it up.

Words: 1373

Hinata panted, pedaling a bit harder. He was nearly at the top of the hill.

"Aaaaand here we go!" he yelled, letting his legs rest finally, feeling the exhilaration of the wind whipping through his hair.

This is how it feels to fly. Well, mostly.
It was smooth sailing from here to his home.

Then his front wheel wobbled. Hinata frowned, and began to shift his hand to the brake, when he hit a rock.

Hinata yelped in surprise, then squeezed his eyes shut as the sky appeared under him.

And then he hit the road, hard on his butt.

"Ow!" he yelled at the trees.

It took a moment before he could fully process what happened.

"Shoot," he muttered, pushing himself to his feet, wincing. He turned in a circle, spotting his bag and sighing gratefully that everything was still in it, and after a quick check, a few broken pencils were the only casualties.

His bike was another story.

Hinata groaned, poking the twisted metal with his toe.

"That thing is going to fall apart any day now, Hinata," Kageyama had said earlier, wrinkling his nose at Hinata's old bike.

Apparently today was the day.

Hinata sat on the road beside his bike and tried to make sense of the mangled mess.

The handle bars were twisted around backwards and wouldn't twist back around.

One of his tires had popped, the other had broken and bent spokes.

"I can't even walk this back to my house!" Hinata muttered furiously, standing up and kicking his bike.

He had taken his phone out and was about to call his mom when he remembered she had texted earlier, telling him she was taking Natsu in for her check-up.

To Hinata's surprise, his throat began to prickle and hot tears stung his eyes.

He had left practice early to get home and surprise his mom with a cake for her birthday (a week late).

What do I do.

He couldn't call his mom, he couldn't carry or push his bike down the hill.

What do I do.

There was no one else around for him to contact-


Could he call Daichi?

Can Daichi drive? Maybe Ukai-san could come.

Hinata took a steadying breath, then called Daichi.

"Hello? Hinata?"

"I- hi, Daichi-san. Uh could you, or someone, come pick me up?"

There was some scuffle and shoe squeaks at the other end, then it was quiet.

"What happened Hinata?"

"Oh, hi Suga-san. My bike kind of broke."

"Of course-"

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