colors (TsukkiYama unfinished AU)

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Art is not mine
Yeah this one's unfinished but if u guys like it and want me to finish it I can.
Okay also my friend helped me write this one so I'll tell u where it switches to her writing lol (she's very inexperienced but she did rlly good honestly)

Words: damn 2870


It was eight years before Tsukishima finally saw color.

He never thought anything about not being able to, until one day Akiteru came home very excited.

"Did it finally happen?" Tsukishima's mom asked, pausing at the kitchen sink.

"It did. I finally met her, and she's the best person I've ever met!"

Akiteru's words spilled out of his mouth, and sometimes he had to go back and explain what he had meant.

"It was the beginning of the day- it was science class. We made eye contact and the first thing I saw were these beautiful BROWN EYES. And then I realized- oh. I can see the colors."

Tsukishima listened intently, feeling his mouth drop open a bit.

"Her name is Tanaka Saeko. She's coming over later today."

When Tsukishima met Saeko, he immediately liked her. Not only did she acknowledge Tsukishima, but she listened to him as he shared a few (actually a lot) of dinosaur facts.

"Wow, Kei. You really know your stuff, don't you?" Saeko asked, resting her chin on her hand. Akiteru sat beside her, their shoulders brushing.

She was definitely pretty, in a wild sort of way. Tsukishima wished he could see the colors, too.

And then he met Yamaguchi.


"Hey- stop it!" Tsukishim heard a kid yell.
Recess was always his least favorite part of the school day.

He didn't have any friends to hang out with, so he usually wandered around or sat and read a book.

But this time Tsukishima wanted to investigate the cries of one of the kids.
He pushed his glasses up his nose and peeled out from behind the tree he had been leaning against.

There was a small kid sitting on the ground, maybe he had been shoved down.
Three other kids stood over him, hands on hips, glaring.

Tsukishima watched, partially fascinated, as the tallest kid, who still had to be three inches shorter than Tsukishima kicked the kid on the ground.

"STOP IT!" the kid cried again, trying to push away the leg that came at him again, striking him in the side.

Tsukki tipped his head.

Why did the boy on the ground even try? And if he was determined not to get beat up, why didn't he stand up and shove back?

Then the boy did stand up, and Tsukishima realized how much smaller he was than the others.

The tallest kid, who Tsukki made out to be the leader, laughed and shoved the boy back down.

"I said stop!" he cried.

"What are you gonna do about it?" One of the other kids demanded, surely thinking he was hilarious.

Then the boy on the ground made eye contact with Tsukki.

And everything changed in an instant.


The first thing Tsukishima saw were those huge amber eyes, staring at him in shock and surprise.

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