Time Skip!!! (KiyoNaka + teams)

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Okay this might contain spoilers for the time skip btw
Happy Halloween!!! I was gonna make a Halloween one-shot but um yeah
Also this is unfinished but if y'all like it I can try and continue it

Words: 1388

KiyoNaka's kids:

Yui: has blonde hair and blue eyes, a cute pointed nose, very bright and bubbly, can be intense. (9)

Itsuki: curly black hair and gray eyes, soft-spoken and a deep thinker. (7)

Heeeere we goooooo!

"Shimizu? Have you seen my- oh, thank you," Ryu said, taking his keys from Shimizu gratefully, his shout across their house cut off.

"You excited, Ryu?" she asked, kissing his cheek, then returning to their kitchen to wash the dishes Ryu hadn't washed.

"Very excited. Also nervous, because this is the second wedding we've sponsored, and you know how the first one went..."

Ryu trailed off, then came up behind Shimizu, wrapping his arms around her waist and kissing her cheek.

"I don't really want to go. What if I stay here with you and the kids and we go to a park?"

"As delightful as that sounds, the bakery needs you! You're their best chef!" Shimizu nudged her glasses up with her shoulder, and when they slid down again, Ryu pushed them back up.

He sighed dramatically, letting go of Shimizu and leaning against the sink by her.

"Can I stay and wash dishes, then?"

Shimizu laughed, a beautiful sound Ryu never got old of, and a smile split across his face.

"That I wish you could stay to do." She smiled warmly at Ryu, who once again questioned how he had gotten such a beautiful, amazing wife.

"I should go, then," Ryu said regretfully, kissing Shimizu once more before calling goodbye to Itsuki and Yui.

"Love you guys!"

"Love youuuuuu!" two little voices chorused from upstairs.

Ryu smiled to himself, then left.


Later that night, as Ryu sat beside Shimizu on their couch, a notification went off on his phone. The ring tone was one he hadn't heard in too long, and he lunged for his phone on the side table.

"Who is it, Ryu?" Shimizu asked, not looking up from her book.

Ryu let out a laugh.
"It's the team! We're having a reunion this Saturday!"

He sat back up, beaming at Shimizu.

"We finally get to see everyone again!"


Saturday couldn't come by fast enough, but it was finally here.

Ryu practically skipped out of the house, hopping into their car and starting it up.

Shimizu and the kids followed a few moments later, and Ryu hopped back out to open the car doors for them, then for Shimizu.

Shimizu smiled fondly at Ryu as he talked excitedly the whole way there.

Even though Yui and Itsuki had heard the stories a million times, they sat and listened to Ryu talk about the match against Shiratorizawa, nationals, the first match he'd played, the first match where Kageyama and Hinata had shocked everyone with their quick.

The drive was twenty minutes to Karasuno High, and Ryu was positively buzzing with energy by the time they got there.

He bounced out of the car, and Shimizu almost expected him to charge ahead like he had in high school, but he walked with her and the kids into the gym.

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