you know i talk too much (TsukkiYama)

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Art is not mine ^^^
This fic is like entirely inspired by the songs Talk Too Much by COIN and it's rlly good lol go listen

Words: nearly 3000??????? Whot


Tsukki paused, turning at the sound of a cry of pain.

"Stop!" some kid yelled. Tsukki tipped his head.

Do I care?

He pondered the question for a minute, and decided no.

Then the cry of pain came again and he recognized it.

He whipped around and stormed towards the sound, near the playground.

He stopped, crossing his arms, and doing what he did best. Glaring and looming over other kids. It took these kids a moment to notice, but then they turned around.

"Yikes! It's th-" one kid started, but the other cut him off and grabbed his arm, immediately running.

Tsukki stared them down until they were far enough away, then turned to Yamaguchi.

"Are you okay?" he asked, trying to soften his glare.

Yamaguchi just stared up at him, holding his bleeding hands to his chest.

"What happened?" Tsukki knelt down beside him, the kid he was beginning to think of as his friend.

"They- they just came up behind me and tripped me," Yamaguchi said softly, his head drooping as he looked at his scraped palms.

"I'm okay. I just have a few scratches."

Tsukki helped pull the shorter boy to his feet, then blinked in surprise at Yamaguchi's knees.

"Just a few scratches?" he demanded, pointing to the blood running down his friend's legs.

Yamaguchi sniffed, and Tsukki felt a surge of panic.

Please don't cry, I never know what to do when people cry.

"Here, come to my house. I can walk you home after, but we can fix you up."

Yamaguchi followed Tsukki timidly to his house, following Tsukki's example and taking his shoes off at the door.

He stood awkwardly in the doorway as Tsukki hung his backpack on a wall, then offered to take Yamaguchi's.

"I can hang it up," Yamaguchi said, slipping a strap off his shoulder, but Tsukki grabbed it anyways.

"Thanks," Yamaguchi whispered.

"Here, you can come sit down. I'll get some bandaids."

Yamaguchi sat on one of the wooden chairs at the table, looking around at the house.

There was a drawing of a dinosaur pinned in the fridge, which made Yamaguchi smile.

It was a kind of small kitchen, but very clean and neat. Yamaguchi tipped his head at a high schooler's jacket for Karasuno High.

Akiteru Tsukishima. Is that Tsukki's brother? I guess that means I should call Tsukki Kei- it might get confusing, Yamaguchi thought, still taking in the house.

"Okay, I've got a lot of bandaids, do you care what ones?"

Yamaguchi turned to Tsukki and blinked at the dinosaur bandaids Tsukki presented to him.

"Those are fine."

Tsukki peeled the bandaids open and paused.

"We should clean the cuts first," he said, standing back up and coming back with a damp paper towel, which he handed to Yamaguchi.

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