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GM's office

Chris: Welcome to EWA. Mr. Nishi, Mr.Hitsugaya, and others.

Mark: Mr. Christopher I can assure you, that my client will be the best free agent signing this company has ever seen.

Chris: Look forward to it.

Tatsuya: I'm here to win championships man.

Chris: I see.

Interview area 1

Treble: Folks, I'm here with Colt Storm who just won his match tonight here on Nitro. Storm. Welcome to EWA.

Colt: Thanks.

Treble: Have any thoughts about your match next week?

Colt: Well, I'm gonna put it to you like this I don't care who I face. All I know is by the end of this, I'm walking out of this, as the new EWA Global Champion. 

Treble: Well, we'll see you next week.

Interview Area 2

Treble: Folks, I'm back here with Solar, Solar, tonight you and your brother didn't get the win what happened out there?

Solar: What happened? what happened? oh, I'll tell you what happened. Richard-oh I'm sorry Midnight Lane, decided to take matters into his own hands. Here I am ready to hit Lance with the spear, and here comes Midnight tagging himself and it wasn't just that it was back at the start of the match. He tried to take the spotlight. And you know what, at Extreme Rules, its not gonna happen again...

Treble: Thank you...

Locker Room 1

???: Alright, I've arrived here. Time to show the crowd, why I'm the Spanish god!

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