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Backstage Area 1

Lance: Colt!

Colt: Lance!

Lance: I see you're moving on in the tournament.

Colt: Yeah, I'm gonna become the first-ever global champion.

Lance: Oh I see, the storm brothers. Both as champions.

Colt: Heh. You know it.

Interview Area 1

Treble: Folks, I'm here Lyric. Lyric, you didn't make it far in the tournament. How do you feel?

Lyric: Not good bro. Not good. You know, I fought hard and even though I lost I still got my drive to win. But you know congrats to Colt. We both wanted it, and he beat it so he wanted it more I guess. I'm a little bit heartbroken. But eh, you know gotta keep my head up.

Treble: Thank you.

GM office

Nick: Happy to say, welcome to EWA.

???: Glad to be here.

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