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Darkness engulfed the village and there was not a single soul outside as people had a habit of going to bed early. Unlike Gotham, there were no criminals lurking in the dark, waiting to rob or penalize their victims.

There was just silence everywhere, the peaceful night sky spread over the village akin to a starry canopy.

A very faint rustling of leaves penetrated that silence as Alan cautiously walked away from their cottage, heading out to the bridge that led to town. His pistol was safely placed in the holster and his eyes were sharp, looking out for any sign of danger.

There was no obstacle in his path fortunately as even the animals seemed to have retreated into the wilderness. The faint moonlight lit up the cobblestoned path in front of him till he reached the bridge, a silhouette barely visible in the distance.

He did not lower his guard as he crossed the bridge and reached the trees where that silhouette was taking refuge in, hiding out of sight. But he did not take out his pistol either as he knew who it would be.

"You're late," the familiar voice addressed him in a whisper and he stepped closer.

"I didn't tell her I was coming here," Alan replied, watching the man remove his hat so that his features could be clearer in the moonlight.

"How are they?"

"Well. Though she's worried something bad might happen and has been on edge for the last few days."

Henry's greyish-blue eyes flickered in that pale light as he nodded, "she has every reason to be worried. I assume you received word from Chris."

"Yes, we did."

He glanced around them to make sure no one was overhearing them but all he was met with was silence and the clear sense of being alone in that place with his friend. Somewhat assured that they were not being watched, he resumed in a low voice, "Silas hasn't given up looking for you two. He suspects that I might know where you are."

"if he suspects then why did you come here?"

"He was busy tonight and I took the chance because I couldn't trust anyone else to go after you. Chris has already been on strict watch and they took his son away..."

"They what!" He barely managed to regulate his voice in time, not wanting to be loud enough to attract any attention. Alan felt angered to hear that Silas had lowered to such measures and was probably threatening Christopher by holding his son hostage.

"You three should be even more cautious from now on," Henry's voice was urgent as he spoke up, "please don't take this lightly. And it would be better if you change places and don't even tell me about it."

Alan knew that Henry would never betray them but he was warning them to be prepared for anything.

"I will try my best to keep him away from this village but if he gets suspicious then I won't be able to do anything. He has already resorted to using family and children as blackmail; Jeremy has been in his hold for four days now. And even though I would rather die than betray you and Romilda, I can't let my family suffer too."

The message behind his words was clear and Alan understood that very well. No man could give up his family and children to protect someone else. Henry too was warning him that Silas was going to exploit all weaknesses of the people close to them so that he could track them out, hence they had to be cautious themselves.

"I understand," Alan nodded, "go back before he returns. And I will look into it myself."

Henry's eyes flickered towards his pocket watch, "I will try my best to persuade him to let Jeremy go. And you should pay heed to all that I have told you."

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