✧ chapter one ✧

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achilles, achilles, achilles, come down,

won't you get up off that roof?

the self is not so weightless, nor whole and unbroken,

remember the pact of our youth,

where you go, I'm going, so jump and I'm jumping,

since there is no me without you,

soldier on, achilles, achilles, come down, 

won't you get up off, get up off the roof?

"so what? you want him tested? what happens if he is what you think he is? you're not willing to put him in any specialized program for those types of people."

"well we have to do something. the teacher said he refused to stand up and say the school's pledge of allegiance. do you know how humiliating that is for me?"

"for you? so what? this isn't about me anymore? or him? how do you think he feels?"

"oh screw how he feels. if he felt anything he'd stand up right now and say something-"

todd's parents continued arguing as he sat there at the dining room table, blankly staring ahead. he had gotten past the point where there were tears blinding his eyes - those had came and gone about a half an hour earlier, before his parents thought that whisper shouting in a room ten feet away from their child was seated was any better. still though, despite the verbal harassment todd sat there, barely blinking. his chest barely rose and fell with each breath, and he didn't fidget otherwise.

"this is pathetic. look at what we've raised. if he was more like his brother-"

"if he was more like his brother we wouldn't be having this conversation, now would we?"

suddenly, todd felt as if he wasn't in his teens. he felt as if he were younger, still learning how to push down and away all the comments aimed towards him.

"todd needs professional help."

"we're not sending him anywhere. he will fix himself."

"oh, like he's been able to so far!"

a loud bang came from the kitchen and as todd turned his head to see the damage reality changed around him.

he wasn't in his dining room anymore. he was now in a washroom. a washroom he was far too familiar with.

"did you lock yourself in here? you fucking freak."

✧ achilles come down ✧ dead poets society ✧Where stories live. Discover now