✧ chapter two ✧

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loathe the way they light candles in rome,

but love the sweet air of the votives, 

hurt and grieve but don't suffer alone,

engage with the pain as a motive,

today, of all days, see,

how the most dangerous thing is to love,

how you will heal and you'll rise above...

lunch time, todd quickly learned, was a chaotic time for the group of boys he sat with. there was cussing and laughing and multiple conversations, but the moment someone walked by everyone cut the shit and focused on their meal as if they were prisoners.

earlier in the day todd hadn't been sure where he was going to sit for lunch. he wasn't even sure if he was going to go. the idea of sitting in a crowded hall eating a sandwich or whatever was on the menu wasn't exactly something that excited him. however before todd could leave and wander away from the prying eyes of teachers charlie had approached him with a very unique smile. it was kind of unsettling to todd. it looked as if the boy was impulsive and always on the verge of some sort of mischievous plan. the rest of the group followed.

"c'mon, grab your books. we have to get to the hall before someone takes our table."

neil just stared at the guy, unsure as to what to say. he didn't know what to say. could he just say no and walk away?

before he even got the chance to think things through neil was walking towards all of them with a smile on his face. when todd glanced back at charlie he saw a slightly puzzled expression, which he guessed was because of his reaction to the situation. after all, all he had done was stand there for an unusual amount of time, not making any move to speak.

"get your stuff, todd. we've gotta get to the hall before our table is taken."

todd once again felt unsure as to what to say, but that didn't seem to matter much. neil had grabbed todd's books off his desk and was walking out of the room with them, so naturally, todd needed to follow.

and now todd was stabbing a piece of carrot with a fork as he started to tune out the three different conversations at the table where he was seated. todd didn't like carrots, but they were served in his salad and he didn't see a reason in rejecting them.

after a minute or so he looked up, examining the boys at the table. first he saw meeks and pitts, who were discussing something that seemed to really hold their attention. they both looked as if they were talking about something technical and important.

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