Chapter 4

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"Do you want one of these egg rolls?" Elliot Stabler asked. Olivia looked up from her paperwork to see her partner pointing to 2 egg rolls.
"No thanks, Elliot." Olivia answered, returning to the form she was almost finished with."You sure? You'll be hungry later.""Take the egg rolls Elliot. I'll be fine.""You're sure?""Yes." She answered again, keeping her eyes on the form, and rapidly writing.
"You don't cook much. Do you?""No.""I'll bring them home for Kathy, she loves egg rolls" .He said, sounding a tad guilty . He had ordered Chinese food an hour, and a half ago, and Olivia hadn't taken a bite. "Do you like Chinese food?"
Olivia finished the form in front of her, put her pen down, and sighed. "Yes, I do. I just can't eat right now." Olivia didn't want to tell Elliot that she was going on her 3rd date with Gregg Kell. It had been a long time since she had a 3rd date with anyone, but Gregg Kell made her stomach do somersaults. He was amazing, and she was nervous about tonight. Olivia looked at the clock, it was 7PM. Her date was at 9.
"See you later." Elliot said, interrupting her thoughts. He grabbed the 2 egg rolls, placed them in a paper bag, stood up from his desk, and walked out of the room. He called Olivia, over his shoulder. "Have a good rest of the weekend.""You too." Olivia answered, quickly standing up, grateful to be on her feet. She had made 1 arrest today, and taken 4 disclosures. She felt excited, sad, angry, and restless.

When Olivia returned home, she quickly got into her favorite little black dress. Then she carefully prepared dinner for herself and Gregg Kell. She burnt the chicken 20 minutes later. Now, Greg was finishing up his potion of Chinese Takeout. Olivia still couldn't eat, and the conversation was no fun. "I wish you didn't burn our meal. I was looking forward to it." Gregg said."I know. I'm sorry." Olivia said, softly."I could have gotten a better meal at the College cafeteria. Didn't your mother teach you to cook?""I'm sorry, alright!" Olivia said, disgusted."I could have taken you out to a nice place." Gregg complained, placing his plate down on her coffee table, and then sitting back on the couch."I don't need that." Olivia said. "You can take a walk with me.""It's 10:30 PM on a Saturday night in New York City. I'm not walking with you.""Please, Olivia said, giving him her cute pout.
Gregg leaned close to her, he locked his sky blue eyes with her brown ones. "No, Olivia." He said as though he were talking to a child."You don't have to teach any classes tomorrow.""Olivia, I will say this slowly. "I AM NOT GOING FOR A WALK WITH YOU."
Gregg reached for her, he wanted to make-out, he always wanted to make- out. Gregg Kell was 20 years older than she was. He was the oldest man she had ever dated. She was stupid to think that he wanted more than make-out sessions and sex with her, sex he didn't get yet. She was stupid to think that he appreciated that she had her own work, her own income, and she didn't expect him to spend money on her. Gregg was a professor at Brooklyn College."You need to leave, RIGHT NOW. Olivia demanded.Gregg continued to reach for her. "Olivia, baby, come here.""Get out.""Olivia, I know you just want my attention. You got it, baby, come here, please. You want me to beg. I'll beg for you."


"Alright, alright." Gregg said, putting his arms up in surrender. He slowly moved off the couch, and to the door. Olivia stood, and followed him to the door."I'll call you." Gregg said, when he was out in the hall of the apartment building.
"Don't." Olivia said, sounding a lot calmer than she felt. She pushed the door shut before Gregg could say another word.


Rafael smiled as Adria's laughter made its way to his ears. He was sitting next to her in a new restaurant. Eddie and Gisele sat on the other side of the booth. Rafael was happy that their plans with Eddie and Gisele had been rescheduled by Adria. It was Saturday at 11PM, and the couples were eating dessert. Things between Rafael and Adria were in a word heavenly. Ever since Adria had started working at Isabela's she was blissfully happy, and that made Rafaelecstatic. "Rafi." Eddie said. I have some good news. I got a job as a corrections officer.""That's great Eddie!" Rafael replied, happy and proud of his best and oldest friend. Eddie beamed from ear to ear."I'm so proud of him."Gisele said. "I only wish the job wasn't so dangerous."
"Don't worry, baby. I'll be alright." Eddie replied, turning in the booth a little and kissing Gisele's cheek."How's work for you, Gisele?" Adria.asked with a smile."Great!" I hope I get teacher of the year this year." Gisele answered."You will, baby!" Eddie said, kissing her check again."I'm so happy for you, Adria! Rafi told Eddie that you love your new job.""It's the best, I'm finally getting paid what I'm worth." Adria replied. She turned her face to Rafael. "You told Eddie about my job?" Adria asked, softly.
Rafael nodded. "Yes." Rafael answered. "I'm proud of you, you're doing great things, and you're following your dreams". Adria moved forward, found his lips, and kissed him. Rafael kissed her back, grateful to have her in his life.

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