Chapter 0,Cave arch part 2

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"Trapped but together"

~{3L1's pov}~

I waked up due to light and far away pede steps, they echoed and the vibrations of them were barely being picked up by my Antennae and wings, i got up and went to my fellow clone, tapping his shoulder Lightly "hey, David, wake up" i said and i found him stirring away from my touch "five more clicks.." he murmured.

I took a deep vent and Then grabbed him by his shoulders "DAVID WAKE UP!" I yelled at him and he waked up,i Scared the living pits out of him too, he looked around the zone we were in and then his Visor locked with mine "..did you call me david?" He asked Innocently.

"Yeah? Thats what your designation Means if you use letters intead of numbers..." i answered, my helm tilting a bit to the left To convey my confusion as to why he asked that, he gasped "I love it! Is it really my Designation?Not just some ramdon human letters and number scrambled together?" He asked again quite excited this time "well, they are, but thats what it could sound like, if you want it to sound that way of course, we could always find a nickname for-" he cutted me off before i could finish my answer "pits no! If my designation really can translate to Something that sounds like one then im keeping it! It really Is my given designation!-"

I putted a digit on his battlemask before he keept on ranting about his designation, "Remembered where we are and why?"i asked nonchalantly, he gasped again "You heard someone?!" He whisper yelled, i nodded "There quite far away but maybe we can try and get out now that the cave seems to have stopped collapsing on us" i answered and got up.

I helped him out and we got crawled out of where we were trapped, "you really think we can get out of here?" David asked as he looked at the gigantic amount of boulders that were forming a wall of sorts "no, but we can squeeze out of here"i said nonchalantly as i streched my Servos and arms.

With all my might i started moving the boulders, making a Exit of sorts while i Rearranged them just enought for my frame to Be able to pass trought "well, why Aren't you helping?" I asked at the still unmoved Vehicon "i.. forgot How much i can lift.." he said seemingly ashamed.

I sightned "forget forgetting and get to getting both of us out!" I atlmost yelled out, I could only Hold these boulders so long and tryng to hold them while walking trought them Was hard.

He nodded and started helping, holding the boulder my right servo was holding so i could take another step, I let go of the boulder and with my now free Servo Moved the Next boulder out of our way, the Boulders behind us that weren't being supperted by us crumbled and falled down but that wasn't our main concern at the time.

We managed to get trought the wall of Fallen debri but with many alerts in our Visors Ui's indicating we barely made it out without Our servos giving out on us and the wall collapsing on us.

We halfway collapsed on the gorund once far away enought far away of the Unstable wall of debri.

"We're getting closer, and they are too" i Announced, the pedesteps were now running to us, although they were quite far awys they must of have hear all the ruckus we made. "Great, we're a pedestep closer to Freedom" david said breathlessly, i got up and helped him up too, "we can make it, we just gotta find them" i said to him, He nodded and i nodded back, i started walking to were the sound of 2 pairs of medium pedesteps, once i knew David was following behind me i started accelerating.

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