Shopping and audition

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Lucy's pov
As we were walking through the shopping centre we saw a shop that Amie an I had been dying to go in for ages. Amie and I looked at each other and went "VICTORIA'S SECRET" and ran inside we went straight to the underwear section as all of their underwear is so pretty and we tried some stuff on and everything looked amazing on Amie because she just has the perfect figure and the right sized boobs and I am slim but I am more muscular than Amie as I am a dancer.
When we had finished trying things on we went to the till and we were about to pay for our things when the girl behind the checkout says that Amie has a fabulous body and her outfit helped show that off (Amie's outfit is the picture at the top) and that she should be a model,and funnily enough I have said that many times to Amie but this time the girl said they are actually holding a contest to be a Vitoria secret angel !!! The girl said "I can give you the details if you like??" "Yeah sure" Amie said and we left and got a taxi straight to the hotel as we were pretty tired from the flight but as soon as we got back to our hotel room we looked at each other did and excited squeal and grabbed the information it was on THURSDAY at Madison Avenue at Daminani Beautique and today is TUESDAY that meant that there was only a day to buy and outfit and get ready for it "so are you gonna go??" I ask Amie she looked at me and said of course I am going to go but will you come with me you don't have to audition??" " OMG I can't believe that you are actually going to do it and of course I will come but i am not auditioning this is your time to shine and your gonna knock them all dead !!!" We looked at each other laughed then high- fived.

Next day:

Amie's pov
I can't believe I am actually going to do this today Lucy and I are going on a full out pampering day we are being waxed in every place possible on our body's then we got a manicure and a pedicure then we got our hair done And to top it off we went shopping afterwards to get me even more underwear and a new outfit to wear. Then we decided to go back to the hotel as we were tired and had to get up early tomorrow so we went to bed.

Day of the competition:
Amie's pov:
My alarm went off at five this morning and I was awake as soon as it went off I jumped out of bed and got in the shower then blow dried my hair and curled it the way I like best and then I set to work on my makeup I went for big eyes ( smokey eye, big eyelashes and thick eyeliner) and neutral everything else thank god I was having a good skin day then I started to put on my new underwear and sat around in it for a bit as I would be doing if I was a model and after a while I put on my new dress along with my Prada bag and sunglasses and then I was ready. Just as I was about to shout Lucy she came running into my room all dressed up and said " are you ready, come on then let's go" as she saw I was already in my clothes so we set off out of the hotel and got in a taxi to Madison Avenue at Daminani Beautique as we pulled up to this fabulous shopping centre my nerves started to kick in and I am guessing Lucy could sense my nerves and took me over to one side and said "you will be fine just strut that amazing body of yours down that runway and you will be fine !!" I am so glad that she is my best friend and I am glad that she gets to have this experience with me as I have done with some of her dance performances and auditions.

When it was finally my time to go down the runway i turned to Lucy and she said "go knock them dead sister" I laughed at her then took off the gown that they had given me to wear why I waited for my turn and they called out my name and I began it make my way down the catwalk and all my nerves were lost and I could tell that I wanted it more than ever and it turns out it wasn't just the judges at the end if the runway there was a crowd they all cheered as I strutted my stuff and as directed I did my little what Lucy calls signature move of a pout and turn back round away from the judges and made my way back up the runway.

After a few hours the judges had finally made their decision they called all the girls that had modelled back onto the runway and they started to eliminate people and when it got down to the final ten I was still there I was shocked to say the least bit then it went down to the final five and they stopped eliminating people for now and the head judge stepped forward and said " if you were to become an angel you would have to have our bosses approval and that person is Victoria Beckham" and there I front of my eyes stood the one and only Victoria Beckham she said " you will each come back down the runway in front of me and I will decide my favourite and she will become the newest Victoria's Secret angel good luck !"
Just before my turn two girls in front of me fell and were eliminated I was so nervous but when it finally got to my go I strutted my way down there without falling and did my little pout and strutted successfully back up the runway.But that wasn't the case for the girl after me she fell in her way down and on her way back up the runway so she too was eliminated so that meant there were two of us left and we were sent back on the runway together and the final result was announced by Victoria " the next Victoria's Secret angel is ....."

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