Chapter 03

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The truth ?
The episode starts with Naira's outburst and kartik is shocked to hear her cuss he remembers her scolding for using this type of word and now here she is cussing freely but he was not only one who was surprised.......
The whole family who who standing behind them.....
Yes the whole family goenkas, singhanias everyone most shocked was Naksh
He remembers his little sister scolding him for his cussing, her blackmailing him to tell their parents that he had cussed, and her irritated and yuck face when someone cussed in front of her.He can't believe this is the same little girl.
Naitik came forward towards them and called his dear daughter "princess...." Naira is shocked to his his voice and turns to him Naitik is somewhat relieved to see her but some part of him is angry, angry that she left, he was their to witness Kartik's logging, his pain he himself was in this condition, he actually is in that condition he has to live without his lovely wife thus he pity Kartik and so he asks why did you run away from us" Naira is shocked to hear this from her father she thought atleast he will give her a chance to explain, atleast he will say 'you did correct my dear princess, I'm always on your side' but no she's wrong her knight has broken her heart.
Now dadi also come to reality and that Naira is alive standing here, she too goes near her and slaps her hard, so hard that her face turns to side crying herself, but instead of I missed you my dear child different words come" You ran away from us leaving all of us in misery my kittu was crying day and night for you and you ram away" she looks at her farther for some help not that she thought he'll help cause life in this life span has thought her many lessons but the little girl in her heart still thought that her knight in shining armor will do something but no she turns her head and look straight in dadi's eyes not lowering them a bit from corner of her eye she saw Kartik who is in shock, confused and well angry.
When she doesn't lower her gaze bhabi ma comes and slaps her more hard on same cheek and said" We have thought you to lower your eyes when you're wrong and talking to older people" from corner of her eye Naira saw vedika smirking, this pissed her off she is about to say something when gayu says yes tho galat hae, how can you assume her wrong, we all know there is a reason for everything she does last time also when she was gone she had reason"
Swarna supports her and agreed
All while Kartik was numb he's taking in the whole thing, his wife is alive, he's now a father to a beautiful baby boy, his wife ran away when she was pregnant, he remembers the stupid question he asked, and the reaction she gave him, her hurt face, his heart clenched remembering that awful night.....
On the other hand Naksh says" Naira when you ran away to rishikesh you were a small child so we forgave you but you're a grown up woman now this will be called as a mistake....
Are you really my little 007 you  know  she used to face problems and not run away" everyone agrees and then they hear something that they wish they never hear
"Yes you're correct your Naira died that night, that dreadful night before car accident before running away, when she was accused right Mr GOENKA?"
Now the family is confused and look at Kartik curiously before he could say anything
Akshu calls her and tell her that kairav is going in operation theater and he wants to see mumma
Naira leaves everyone and runs to see her baby
While rest family is about to proceed too but Naksh stops Kartik and says" if you have done something, something   big that she thought running away is better then you're going to pay Mark my word and I'll not do anything she's here herself to do it" with that he leaves.
"Really Kartik you did that to my princess and here I was treating her bad...."

The return Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora