Chapter VII

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As he approached the valley beneath Death Mountain, he was relieved to find a stable. The stable was quiet, empty. Very few people would come to this stable. With good reason: Death Mountain claims many victims.

He dismounted and asked for a few nights' stay for a couple of things for his scaling of Death Mountain.

Near the stone arch to the path up the mountain was a large obsidian slab. Link spotted it and came closer to it to observe it. It was a drawing of some kind, labeled "Death Mountain Mystery".

A tall, dark mountain whose peaks reached the clouds; Death Mountain. A long curvaceous river, no doubt The Hylian River. A deep canyon that ended in a large rectangle with the emblem of an ancestral sigil. It resembled a hexagon, with 3 triangles on its front, and wings extended by its sides. He recognized the emblem immediately. A Hylian Crest. It looked extremely similar to the one on his shield. No doubt a symbol of royalty.

That was where the Triforce was hidden. He was sure. Everything in his body told him he was getting close. The riddle would remain unsolved for the rest of the Hylians, but Link quietly walked away from it, knowing now where he was so much closer than before.

Although the keeper warned him time and time again, Link pressed on. Grass wilted and the dirt turned to stone. And the stone turned from gray and rough, to black and smooth. The air warmed around him and a low bubbling noise was heard from every direction. Link could feel Death Mountain greet him and it was not a friendly welcome.

Falling like snow across the scorched earth.

Epona wouldn't have made it across the dragon stone, and Link knew he was getting close. Carefully, his hands wrapped in rough cloth, the heat blasting him as he descended into the canyon, he began his next travel. The glow of lava and magma deep below him, lighting the so-called bottomless gorge. One hand at a time, he lowered himself into the pit. Certain he would find the Temple that housed the magic golden triangle, the Triforce he sought so much after. It took him hours and many close calls. Watching pebbles and stones stumble and fall into the red streams of fire and death.

The heat!
The heat was incredible. He rationed his water and food carefully, quickly becoming warmer the longer he stayed. Every now and again a steamy breeze blew across his face. It brought no comfort.

Death Mountain quickly proved its name when he placed his hand across a stone and jumped back. Frozen in stone and time was a traveler, who had previously made the trek, and failed. Bones charred and unrecognizable. Whoever this was, be he missed or not, never returned. Forever a part of the mountain.

Will he survive? Link brushed aside all his doubt for just a little longer. After all, he made it this far.

Finally, he saw his salvation. A confirmation of his endurance and courage. A collapsed bridge of old, its legs plunging deep into the depths of this canyon and its path blocked by stone harder than iron. His water on the brink of boiling away, he rushed across the bridge, the exhaustion reaching a tipping point. He scanned across the boulder for a way to move it or get around it. As he scaled this impressive rock he noticed within it were precious stones of all colors. A geode? Perhaps this rock is hollow and simply much lighter than what it seemed. Link, perhaps the fumes affecting him too much, thought his best plan was to simply push the boulder out of the way. Once on his feet he absurdly heaved the giant stone. And to his surprise it moved quite quickly! Was he stronger than he imagined?

Except, it kept moving. In fact, multiple stones moved and cobbled together to form arms and legs.

Death Mountain and it's temple had a guardian.

Link jumped back and prepared for a battle against a rock beast. But what would a sword do against stone? Even with the Master Sword, it is still iron or silver against hardened lava stone. The bridge was now shaking under the immense shifting weight of this Obsidian Talus, and Link focused on the enemy. The beast of stone launched molten rock at its fingertips, and Link could only evade. 

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