Chapter 1: Loaded Fries and Chapman

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You want to know the thing about magical casualties? Whenever the culprit is finally apprehended, it is hard to determine what their source of magic is. That is why I was being wheeled away strapped to a chair, eyes, mouth and hands covered. Jokes on them though because what if that air explosion was actually caused by a sneeze? Then what?

When they took my blind folds off I was in a white padded room. I had heard of magic inhibiting rooms like these but I never imagined I'd be here. The person who took of my restrictions scurried out of the room and soon enough someone was talking out of the speaker... at least I think there were speakers.

"You're quite a young one aren't you?" The unknown woman had mused. "Let's start off simple shall we? What is your name?"

I cleared my throat. I couldn't exactly see her so it was a bit awkward feeling like I was talking to myself. I mean I do that all the time but not in the presence of others. 'Afua. My name is Afua Gowon.'

"Afua Gowon. Beautiful name by the way. How long have you been going to Centurion Academy?" She continued.

"3 years?"

"Are you asking me or telling me?" She sighed. When I didn't respond I guess she got the message. "You see Afua, things like these don't usually happen in this city. Especially not on such a scale. I'll be direct with you, every single answer you give here will determine the rest of your life. No pressure however, just tell the truth and we can work on a conclusion in both our interests."

"I understand." but I just want to go home and eat noodles and sleep before my test tomorrow. 'Thing is that, while I can't say I don't know why I am here I can say that I don't know what happened. It wasn't intentional and before that moment I don't think I even had magic.'

"You expect me to believe that attack was unintentional?"

"Yes, because it was."

"And your teacher? Was that unintentional?"

Annoying. This woman's line of questioning was really annoying. 'Well it's not like I intended to harm her. We were just arguing.'

After a long silence there was a mechanical boom. It was the sound of the heavy padded doors to the room being pushed open. Soon enough, the slender figure of an older woman appeared in the doorway, two men following behind her. "Thank you for your honesty." She smiled as she approached me. She took the opposite seat across the huge white table I had been sitting on. "It's lovely to meet you, Afua. I do apologize for the experience you've had up until this point. My name is Ibukun but you can call me IBK."

When she stretched out her hands, I took a proper glance at her. She was young, maybe 28? And her eyes were glowing— almost illuminated. A bright golden hue. She must have been a seer. A seer of what though? Truth? Intention? Future? Thoughts? I reluctantly shook her hand and waited for her to continue.

"Would you like something to eat? Drink? Snack on?" She asked as she reached for a book that one of her guards had pulled out. She flipped through the pages as if to make sure it was the right document before sliding it over the table. I picked up the book and scanned the contents. A menu. A crazy delicious looking menu.

"Um... that would be lovely actually but..." I trailed off.

"No worries, help yourself." She chuckled.

"I would actually prefer to go home. My mother must be worried and I'm sure she's made dinner." This isn't technically a house but growing up, the number one rule was never EVER eat in someone's house. Especially not a stranger.

"You see Afua. Unfortunately, I can't tell when you'll be able to go home. There's procedures to this and while I am trying to make it less threatening. The truth of the matter is you're an undeclared magic user who was involved in a situation likened to a terrorist attack. While I have evaluated your state of mind and concluded that you may have just been an innocent bystander in all this; My superiors will require much more convincing."

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