Chapter 2

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Jungkook POV

Present time



My surroundings were blurred as I looked through the window, a small smile on my face as I listened to my music. It was early in the morning, around five AM, and my driver was taking me to the hotel.

The flight had gone better than expected. I thought that my parents would find out that I was going and would find me and drag me out of there by my ear but luckily, they never found out. I was able to have a peaceful flight to America and a nice walk around a park before I got into the car I was in currently.

A chuckle left me when I thought about the phone call I got once I turned my phone off airplane mode. My mother had called me in a panic after she couldn't find me in the house after midnight. It was touching how worried she was, especially since my father hadn't called even after realizing I was gone. He just sent me a text that said, 'enjoy your vacation, you'll have to catch up on work when you come back.' Touching.

"Sir, we've arrived."

I nodded my head in acknowledgment and waited for my driver to park the car. Once he did, I made my way into the hotel.

It was a large, expensive hotel, fit only for the famous and rich. There were many servants and workers around, waiting for my driver to bring my bags in so they could take them to my room.

'Shit, I should've helped him get them.'

Just as I was about to turn around and go help my driver, he stumbled in with my bag in hand. I ran to him, attempting to grab my bag out of his hand only for him to hold up his other hand as a signal to let him take care of it.

"No, I should carry my own bag. It's only right."

My driver shook his head and stepped around me, walking towards the elevator. I ran after him silently, reaching forward and grabbing my bag out of his hand. Before he could react or take it back, I ran to the escalator that was near by and started climbing it as quickly as possible.

I heard my driver attempt to chase after me, a smile on his face as he attempted to catch up to me. As I was climbing up the escalator, I realized something. I didn't know what room I was supposed to be in.

"Hey, uh..." I said, struggling to come up with the man's name. Did he even tell me his name?

Sensing my struggle, he said, "Minho. My name is Choi Minho."

"Hey Minho-ssi, do you know where my room is?" I said, running faster when I saw that he was beginning to gain on me.

I could feel the smirk on his face when he replied, "I'll tell you if you give me your bag, sir."

At this point, we had reached the top of the escalator and I was still running away from my driver, desperately trying to keep my bag away from him.

'I don't even know why I care so much, but there's no way I'm going to let him get it. No way am I going to let him beat me!'

"Wait when did this become about winning? I thought I was just doing a good deed." I mumbled to myself. I could only run for a few more moments before I finally fell on my knees, completely exhausted.

Minho ran up to me, sweat trickling down his face as he bent over and reached his hand out. I reached for his hand, thinking that he was going to help me get up when he just grabbed the handle of my suitcase with a victorious smile on his face.

With a smug smile, Minho said, "Would you like me to take you to your room now, sir?"

I finally just gave up and nodded my head, slowly getting up and following my driver to the elevator. He took us up another floor that was dedicated to the VVIPs. He lead me down the hall and stopped at one of the rooms, unlocking it and holding the door open for me.

As I entered the room, I slowly pulled out my phone from my pocket and pulled up my contacts. I pressed the 'create new contact' button and waited until Minho put my bag down on my bed before I held it out to him. "It would be best if we had a way to keep in touch."

"Yes sir." Minho said, bowing his head respectfully as he grabbed the phone from my hands.

"You don't have to call me sir. Just Jungkook is fine. And you don't have to bow unless we're in public." I said scratching the back of my neck in embarrassment.

With a small smile, Minho replied, "Okay, Jungkook."

Once he was does putting his number in, Minho handed my phone back to me as well as his own phone. I put my number and contact information in his and handed it back to him with a warm smile.

Minho cleared his throat before he started to bow, stopping himself at the last second. He gave a slight head bow instead and said, "I should go to my room and settle in, feel free to contact me if you need me."

"Okay. See you later, Minho-ssi."

Once Minho left, I began to look around my large room. It was very large and open, light fixtures keeping the place lit up. There was expensive furniture and a large kitchen with food and ingredients already inside, a huge bed in the middle of the room that was covered in the most expensive and comfortable blankets and sheets that Los Angeles had to offer.

And my favorite thing, large windows with a view of the city, the sight bringing a soft smile to my face.

'It's so pretty.'

"I should probably take a nap for a couple of hours." I whispered to myself, opening my suitcase and picking out some comfortable pajamas. Once I got changed and did my nightly routine, I hopped into bed and smiled at the thought of my vacation that had hardly begun.


Hey, I know I haven't updated this for a hot minute but I've been distracted and busy, I also have focused more on Loved Like No Other since I have more inspiration for that than this right now.

But anyways, I hope you enjoyed the chapter, I promise I won't take forever to get to an interesting point in the story. This is just what I could come up with for now.

I promise I will try and update this story more often, thanks for reading!


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