Ground floor

663 9 1

"Hey sally"
You greeted a regular

"Hey, March"
She greeted you, offering you a cigarette

You pushed it away, you weren't in the mood

"I thought all French people smoked"
She joked

"Eh, i must not be French then"
You answered to the joke
"Maybe later tho, Sal"

"Hungry? Go to li-"
She asked

"I'm going to ask liz now"
You hummed

"She does the best shit"
Sally smiled

"I usually see you at the bar? Why aren't you there?"
You asked

"Eh, i don't feel like it"

You walked to the bar and met liz


"What food you want, doll?"
She smiled

"I don't know actually"
You sighed

"What a disaster"
Liz rolled her eyes
"Anyway, it's like ten at night. Why are you hungry now?"

"Eh, i don't know. James is talking to this guy with like a red mullet or something"
You sighed
"He never has any time for me"

"Look honey, what you need is some nice normal sleep. Your sleep schedule has been way out of whack"
She sighed
"So i suggest go to bed now and stop eating breakfast at two in the afternoon"

You nodded

"I'll- I'll get on it right now"
You sighed, walking to the elevator

"Sleep well, doll"

You took the elevator up to the top floor

"Darling, we're renovating"
James caught you before you walked in the condo
"We're now in the basement, I've made it all nice just for you"

"mais je viens juste d'arriver ici"
You groaned
(but ive only just gotten up here)

You walked back into the elevator with James, he pressed the "basement" key and the elevator shot down

James opened the door, it was a beautiful mahogany room with red painted walls

Your face lit up, the room was charming

"James, this is beautiful"
You smiled, your direction glancing towards the bed

James moved your face back to his, he leaned in and planted a kiss on your lips

"I'm glad you like it"
He pushed you away

You walked towards it and touched the blanket

"I'm- im going to bed"
You said, pulling the sheet away and getting under

"Sleep well, my dear"
He hummed, walking out of the room

You switched off the light and closed your eyes, Sleep soon followed


You woke up, you took in your surroundings and you were in the same luscious room you were in last night

You checked the clock next to you


You smiled, you were sleeping normal again

You got up and got dressed

The elevator hummed as it lifted you up

You walked out onto the ground floor

"Sleep well?"
Liz called

James March x y/nWhere stories live. Discover now