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Iris quickly got you a phone, it was one of the newest models. You quickly got used to it

You and Sally would text back and forth, talking about all the outside news and your opinions on it

You got James a phone, he didn't know how to use it and he refused to learn

"I'll just.. watch you use it"
He kept saying

His new favourite thing was sitting in bed with you and watching a new movie every night

His favourite movie so far was corpse bride

It was a children's move which made it funny to you, he loved the movie so much because it was familiar

The corpse bride, emily, reminded him of you

She was explained to be so very beautiful, caring and loving

It was a weekly thing to watch corpse bride at least once a week

Other things had happened around in the hotel, Liz took over wills business. She had all the ghosts model the outfits

Especially you

James would sit and watch with all the other people watching the fashion show

You wore the most elegant gowns and outfits

All eyes were on you, you'd get applause every time you'd arrive

The loudest praise always came from your husband


"Movie night tonight"
You texted sally
"Iris bought a projector"

Sally texted back
"Liz wants us to meet in her room later"

"K, I'll tell James"
You texted back

You looked at James who was staring at your phone

"Liz wants us to meet in her room later"
You said

He nodded, smoothing out his moustache

You stood up from the bed and walked downstairs, James followed

"Get your ass in here!"
Sally pulled you into Liz's room. All the spirits were there

Liz walked in a little later

She clapped her hands together
"I am the first woman in the world to have.. prostate cancer. It had already spread to my spine"

Your undead heart dropped

You took her hand and pulled her into a hug

"Oh my god, are you okay?"
You asked, holding her tight

"Yes, hah.. I'm going to be okay"
She said, pushing you away

"We'll spend whatever we have to"
Will said
"One call and i can get you the best doctor in the world"

"Oh it's too late"
Liz sighed
"And i don't want to.. spend my last days wasting away in a hospital with a father up my dick and poison in my body so.."

"But who will take care of us?"
Sally asked

"You can't leave us alone"
The Swedish pair said

"I won't"
Liz smiled
"That's why i called you all here today. Now, i have proved you with various weapons. Take two, they're small. Uhh.. hack me. Strangle me. Bludgeon me. Surprise me"

She sat down

"I think i can speak for everyone here when i say that we've all grown rather fond of you. We can't possibly murder you"
Ms. Evers said

James March x y/nWhere stories live. Discover now