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He brought you into a well lit room with beautiful flowers and glasses

"Here, my dear. You get to sit close to me"
He showed you a spot with your name on a card

Aileen pushed you out the way

"I'm sorry bout what happened man, just- you sit here"
She said to the man you saw earlier

James took your hand and pushed Aileen away

"John will sit where his name on the card is"
A hint of anger hid behind his voice
"You know we like to do things formally"

"Hey, it's the French girl i saw earlier"
John said

"Oh crap"
You sighed

"What's wrong?"
James asked you

"Liz told him that i don't know English, so can you.. translate for me"
You smiled awkwardly

"If that's what you'd like, sweet"
He smiled, he noticed that everyone was there
"Ahh, we're all here now, let's sit. Only so many hours in the night"

He pulled out your chair and you stood in front of it

He then stood in front of his own chair

"Absinthe. Our customary libation. To our special night, our new guest and my one and only"
He tipped his glass

You all drank the liquid and sat down

You felt a little sick

"What is this?"
The man from the bar said
"Who are you?"

"I'm March, i built this hotel"
Your husband smiled, giving away the secret you already knew

"The man who built this hotel died more than 85 years ago"
John, the bar guy, said

"This is my problem with police officers. All you care about is evidence. Evidence, evidence, evidence. Until that evidence no longer fits the narrative you need to be true, at which point the evidence becomes an illusion, a mistake. A trick..."

He made a face of disgust

"You've lived in my hotel long enough, seen enough evidence to know that what is impossible becomes... very possible here"
He noticed someone walk in
"You're late!"

A man in a black outfit sat at the vacant seat.

"Now, let's all introduce ourselves"
James smiled, he looked at you. He signalled that you go first

"salut, je m'appelle y/n March... je suis mariée à james. il est le live de ma vie ! euh... si vous ne l'aviez pas déjà deviné, je suis français"
You said, loud enough so others could hear
(hi, my name is y/n march... i am married to james. he is the love of my life! uhh... if you didnt already guess, im french)

James smiled, he understood every word

The world started spinning a little

"The translation is pretty much, She's my wife, she's French and her name is y/n"
James paraphrased
"She's adorable, isn't she"

James pointed towards a man

"Uh, my turn? Okay.. I'm, uh, jeffery dhamer. From Milwaukee"

"John, i think he likes you! Man that's bad news for you"
Aileen laughed
"That's how he picks 'em"

You shuddered, why would they be joking like this? They brought some of the most gruesome serial killers to this very table, they were predators, stalkers, murderers

James March x y/nWhere stories live. Discover now