11. Love Of My Life

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Aisha's P.O.V.

So, at this point, I'm not even fazed by him barging in on me anymore.

He does it every day now.

Every day like clockwork, Marshall is coming inside the studio when I'm trying to record, forcing me to take a break.

Sometimes he brings food, and we end- up eating together.

Sometimes we would stay in there for hours after my break is supposed to be over and just talk.

He's honestly not that bad.

I mean, he can be annoying, but I guess, at this point, I'm used to him.

He even managed to make me forget how uncomfortable I used to he around him, because of the whole, me-making-a-move-oh-him-and-him-turning-me-down thing.

At this point, it honestly doesn't even feel like it has even been us.

Marshall honestly became to me like a best friend that I never had.

So when he one day doesn't show up, I actually feel saddned by it.

It's a funny feeling to be missing somebody so infuriating and obnoxious.

I even think about going to look for him.

I know which room he uses now to record, he's probably there.

But I know that when he's recording, he's always got all of his friends and damn groupies in there with him. I'm not trying to go and talk to him in front of them!

So, I end-up just spending the rest of my day alone in the studio, not even really feeling like getting anything done.

I'm literally mopping around the studio, and I don't understand what the hell is wrong with me. Who cares if this fucking white boy didn't show up one time. He's been coming to hang out here for two weeks straight, maybe he got tired of me.

Or maybe he just forgot.

Or maybe he was busy.

Either way, I miss his annoying intrusions.


Marshall's P.O.V.

I pace the floor around the studio I was just recording in.

Feeling like all eyes are on me, staring at me and some judging me, some feeling pity for me, as I talk on the phone with Kim.

I try my best to keep my voice down, because I honestly do not need all of the groupie chicks I have in here to hear me.

Nor do I need my boys to hear it neither, if I'm being honest, even though by now, they are all pretty much hip and used to the shit that I always go through with her.

Kim, my one and only. The bitch that I hate but just can't stop loving at the same time.

"Hey, baby. Are you ok?" I say in a quiet voice.

And Kim is no fool. She immediately picks up on it.

"Why the fuck are you whispering, Marshall?!" Her voice immediately gets loud, and I know that I had fucked up.

Luckily, my daughter saves the day.

"Is that my daddy on the phone?" I can hear her excited voice in the background.

I hear Kim speak to her for a few minutes, and by the time she gets back on the line, she seems like she forgot all wanting to interrogate me.

"How is she?" I ask Kim quickly, to keep her further off track and distracted.

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