70. You Have The Right To Remain Violent

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Let me give y'all a little glimpse into the future first even though I don't think either one of us is ready for that just yet...

Also, right off the bat, be prepared for a pretty long chapter lol

Aisha's P.O.V.

10 years later...

I keep my head held up high as I casually stroll through the doors of a high security prison.

I have been coming to this place for the past 10 years now, once a year, always on the same exact day.

His birthday.

I honestly hate this place, but I feel obligated to keep doing this.

Even though every single thing about the facility makes my skin crawl to this day.

I make my way through the security check, being strangely used to the process by now, and yet still stressed the hell out every single time I have to go through it. I remove my cell phone and any object on my person that could potentially set off the metal detector and place them all in a small rectangular box at the end of the conveyor.

Once the guards are done patting me down and they ensure I have nothing on me that would be deemed inappropriate to bring to a prison, two of them lead me to the small waiting room.

Because the man I came here to see is considered to be maximum security, I am never allowed to speak directly face to face with him, there has to be a bullet proof glass screen separating him from his visitors at all times, with an old fashioned looking phone at each side of the glass so that we would be able to hear each other as we speak.

I sit at the cold metal counter, staring at the small window in front of me, waiting patiently on the outside, nerves secretly eating me up on the inside as I start to bounce my foot nervously up and down on the filthy visiting room floor.

A thought crosses my mind. The same thought that has crossed it every single time I ever came here.

Why do I keep doing this to myself?!

The answer is simple.

At the end of the day, he is still my father...

Just then, the door opens and he gets led in by two COs, hands and feet shackled.

Painfully slowly, his chains dragging behind him, he makes his way to the window and plops down heavily in front of it as he picks up the phone.

"Hi Princess," he says in his gruff voice, still insisting on calling me by this freaking pet name that's always made me cringe so much. "I'm glad you came to see your old man again on his birthday."

"Hi daddy," I sigh, resigned.


Back to the past once again...

3rd Person P.O.V.

Marshall gets out of the car in front of Suge's house and he marches right to the gates where he points a gun at one of the guards.

"Let me the fuck in," he says through a clenched jaw, as the two guards at the gate exchange glances between each other.

"Sure you wanna do that, white boy?" One of them smirks. He starts pulling out his gun as well, and Marshall's finger wraps around the trigger finger immediately.

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