- | BOOKS & BARNES | -

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I love the cold, A brisk short gust of wind blows through the cracks causing a little whistle. The cracks run all along the old wood panels that frame the window that I perch on.

The window is the only open space that breathes light into the Abandoned barn house. During the hours before bedtime always seem to feel the most stuffy in the Maven kingdom castle.

With all the servant's cleaning away the day's filth and the maids busying around making beds helping ready the family into bed. The guards doing their final sweeps of the bedroom and what not to ensure full safety. With all that movement in one place one would feel suffocated.

That's why I enjoy sitting in my favourite spot with my current book which happens to be an old classic from what I can only imagine was one hundred years ago. The red queen. It is such a thrilling story and I quite love Mare, the main character. I run my fingers along words under the ink etched print;

'this belongs to'
A.R. Falsk
Allura Venna Falsk, my name.

The barn window faces away from the Castle and on to the kingdom of Malvena and the town of Walwin, the city that never sleeps.

Looking out it's not hard to see the dangers of the streets below with thugs and gangs all ready to pounce on one another. So much so it is so easy to miss the beauty in Walwin, the city sweeps around the castle with the thicker part filled by residence sitting in front of the fortress.

With more of the shops and businesses spread out across in thinner clusters that circle around the rest. Walwin is its most beautiful in its nights.

The snow covered ground give the lights on the store street signs a more voluminous glow that blends with the Luminos, controllers of light - toying with their gift. Ray, one of my older brothers calls the magical sensation Glight, a sort of glitter light. Glight glimmers off of the atmosphere.

One of the this I love about the city is the
energy that surges through the streets from the people to the lights to every living thing. I can feel it.

I am what is called a Luminos, or atleast I'm meant to be.

Flickers of energy quiver around the tip of my fingertips. My hand draws a line across the window sill feeling every vibration forming it into a liveness that I can mold. Like a rope like lasso that changes under my touch.

The thing that sets apart from perfect kindness kingdom of Augustia, was our abilities. Abilities that changed the course of nature.

Once upon a time. Ontari was whole a kingdom as big as it could be United under one ruler. But even the smallest cracks can cause a damn to break and a city to flood. Those cracks were the changed.

The Changed were those who were cursed with ungodly abilities and named by those who were disgusted by them, those who feared them. Soon the good king cast the changed out of the kingdom into the farthest corner. But shadows grow, and grow they did.

A leader my the name of France Falsk claimed kingship over the changed and vowed vengeance on the good king and his subjects. Eventually the shadow cast over half of Ontari owned by the great France Falsk. My great, great grandfather.

I am a Luminos, like I said before. Although i am fairly certain I am not. Luminos are the controllers of light and shadows. Physical and literal light switches they are. However my powers seem to run a little deeper than that.

𝓕𝓐𝓛𝓢𝓚 & ℝ𝕆𝔻𝔼𝕆जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें