Gallipoli 1915

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All rights go to Russell Crowe, director of the movie The water diviner, I only own the characters not related to the water diviner and my storyline, all rights reserved. The story will be told by jai Courtney's character POV and my OC POV.

Gallipoli 1915, Hughes POV

We silently fall back to the boats waiting to be evacuated, only a small few have volunteered to stay behind to guard our flank, I was one of them, I've been keeping the Turks busy by letting off a few rounds every few minutes letting them think that we are still here, but by the morning they'll see our little surprise,what a laugh we'll have when we're all on the boats.
I just hope that the Anzacs left behind are safe enough until we come back, and we will come back.

Soon enough the sunlight is rising and we are already at the ships when I hear the Turks whooping and hollering and letting off shots, we've evacuated, they've won. This battle at least.

4 years later... London, England
Genevieve's POV

"I don't care of what you think of him, you will be his bride and that is final, you will stop this nonsense and act like a lady" scolds mother which makes me roll my eyes, I don't want to be married, not to a little worm like Robert Archwood, heir duke of Morton Estate (A/N just making up some of these places okay), who think he is the top stallion, well sorry mate, to me you're like a shaggy Shetland, which is actually quite insulting as I love my Shetlands.
Another breath is taken from me as the corset is pulled in tighter, I can't believe I have to have lunch at the Archwood's estate, I don't like their sin one bit yet they're still determined to have me as his wife, I guess I'll just have to make myself look undesirable then, this'll be fun, I thought as a knock comes at the door.
"Come in" I bade as Bessie, one of my handmaidens walk in carrying a tray with a letter, my curiosity is piqued, "Apologies for disturbing you mil lady, but a letter has come from Sir Brighton, from Gallipoli" Bessie says as Helga finishes the corset and steps back to get the dress, I walk to Bessie and retrieve the letter "thank you Bessie, I'll let you know when I need you now you better go before mother finds out you've snuck another letter to me" I warn her, mother has t been pleased that I've received letters from Brighton as she believes we are bad influences on each other, we can help that we' re twins, but hey that's life.
I go to sit down at the mirror and open the letter and read it's contents:

Dearest sister,
By now I've heard of your doomed betrothal to the worm, my sincerest condolences, however that's not why I've sent this letter, I'm afraid with a heavy heart to announce that due to military matters in Gallipoli, both me and Samuel will be unable to attend the given date for the wedding which will unfortunately will be or the more unbearable, which leads to another matter to discuss, upon hearing if your betrothal Samuel himself did not and still doesn't approve of the marriage, so I've taken matters into my hands and arranged a little plan of you will, since you're diplomatic and intelligent I believe you may be of use here in Gallipoli, however since mother and father wouldn't approve, or just mother since father is still in Cairo, I've arranged for you to travel to Turkey where there I will smuggle you into Gallipoli, by this stage the little bug should be thoroughly warned off your disobedience and will want to choose another bride, which I feel sorry for already, please send a telegram to the war office to me with the code 'Monkeys in a box, chittering, chattering, I can't wait to see you' and it'll be arranged. Until then sister, don't let this letter fall into mothers or one of her handmaidens hands, only you or Bessie. I await your reply.
Sincerely, Brighton.
Sargent Brighton Edwards, officer of HM British Army

I read the letter and relief go through me, Brighton and Samuel don't approve go my betrothal, well now there is only one thing I need to do, and that's send a telegram. "Bessie, I need you to send a telegram, discreetly, don't let mother know, go into town if you must" I instruct her as she comes into the room with a mischievous smile like mine, "Of course ma'am, anything else?" She asks " yes actually, would you be able to help me with a few things?" I ask.

Hughes POV 1919, Gallipoli
I wake up with another sweat, I don't know why I keep having them, the war is over, peace is between us and the Turks, we are back on the peninsula and I'm bringing identity back to the boys we've left behind, I walk out if my tent and head to the wash area where some of the men are, I see Dawson having a laugh, I can't complain of him he's a loyal soldier and good mate "Morning Dawson" I greet him as I move next to him to sponge the sweat of my body with cold water, when I squeeze the sponge I have thoughts of being in a bathtub with a woman, sponging hot water over her body and her breasts letting steam rise over us.

I immediately shake the thought off, I can't risk being hard in front if the troops, what will they think?, I thought as I dry my chest I quickly look down and see nothing, thank god, I finish off when I hear a carriage pull up and see two Turk soldiers hop out, one a general, "Four years ago they would've given me a VC for putting a bullet in one of them" one of my sergeants , sergeant tucker whispers to me as I button up my shirt and tuck it in and walk halfway to greet them, first I'm saluted by a British sergeant, lieutenant grieves I believe, before he speaks.

"Lieutenant Colonel Hughes, may I present Major Hassan Bey, Major Bey was commander of..." I don't let him finish as I cut him off "Just major Hassan, bey just means mister" I reply as I button up my sleeves.
"Indeed, mister bey must've given you boys hell at Lone Pine" he continues making me annoyed now but I won't show him that.
"We all know who major Hassan is thank you lieutenant. I greet him in Turkish and he replies back but my Turkish isn't all that great I struggle and he picks up on that before repeating in English " I see you've finally taken the peninsula" while looking at the ocean.
"Yes, lost the battle but won the war, now when your ready, searching tucker her will show you to your accommodation, and once you've refreshed we could meet in my tent" I ask.
"Thank you" major Hassan replies before following sergeant tucker to their tents I see lieutenant grieves still standing there, perfect, then I hear galloping hoof beats and see another two british officers ride up, both look like brothers.

"Ahh, I thought they wouldn't come" grieves says with another smile before he walks up to greet them as they dismount, both salute to him and then to me, "Lieutenants Grieves, Lieutenant Colonel Hughes a pleasure to meet you" the older one sticks out his hand and I shake it before i shake the younger officers hand " And you two are?" I ask confused at them being here.
"Im Lieutenant and that's sergeant Edwards of the His majesty's diplomatic service, we're here to ensure that the transactions between the Turks and the Anzacs happen peacefully " the older one replies. Lovely, we have babysitters, I noticed that the younger one isn't as focused. This makes me in edge but I don't voice my thoughts.

"Of course, I'll have some accommodation found for you gentlemen in the meantime you're more then welcome to take a walk around just don't overstep your boundaries"i reply, knowing how some british can be ignorant or their surroundings.
They both voice their thanks and walk their horses over to the others and start to care for them themselves, well this is going to get interesting I thought. If only he knew.

So that's my first chapter, this is a the water diviner fanfiction from Russell Crowe, and it is truly fictional, also as the story progresses it will start getting steamy so you're advised now but I will let you know at the beginning of each chapter. Otherwise let me know what you think my lovelies :)

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