Getting to meet the Anzacs

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All right guys this is the next chapter, I would also like to say that this story will now be mainly told by my OFC POV and sometimes by Hughes POV, otherwise please enjoy this chapter :)

Genevieve's POV
Sunlight streams into my tent and into my eyes like a persistent bug, damn the sunlight, I get up and stretch but I still feel tense and tired, tossing and turning probably didn't help, I try kneading my shoulders when I hear someone enter the tent and immediately I grab my robe and wrap it around me, even though I trust the men you can never be too trustworthy.

"There's no need milady, there are no soldiers in here" says a gentle female voice and I step out of my bed and into the main part of the tent to see a young woman placing a breakfast tray on the table, she looks very young maybe 16, perhaps too young to be here, she smiles at me and stands by the entry way. "Who are you?" I ask and she looks at me shocked like she is surprised I'm talking to her and I smile encouragingly.
" I am Bahira madam, I'm here to help you in anyway I can, I can fetch food for you and help you dress and so forth and I'm really trustworthy " she says, it sounds like she's scared of not doing her job or me not liking her so I walk over to her and grab her hands.

"I'm pleased to meet you Bahira, I'm Genevieve, thank you for your offer, I will take you up on it, otherwise it will be scandalous to not have an escort around Gallipoli" I explain with a warm smile and she smiles back, looking more confident and relieved. "Thank you so much milady, I promise you'll have good food and warm baths and you'll be treated perfectly fine here" she promises and I put up my hand.

Thank you but I didn't come here to be pampered, I'm here to help in any way I can" I explain to her and she looks confused, " But wouldn't you be worried about the mud or the flies, or the men?" She asks and I shrug, "there's nothing I can't handle yet, so here's what we will be doing today, you and I will both have breakfast, you can help me get dressed and then I'm going to offer my assistance to the Anzacs" I tell her and she nods, "you're different that is for sure milady" and I smile.

Once I finish having breakfast Bahira and I go back into my room and I change into a riding habit with her help before I grab my gloves and walk out if the tent with Bahira in tow. I walk out to see over 100 men walking around, feeding horses and talking with each other and I feel like I've walked into enemy territory, but I square my shoulders and press forwards, capturing their attention while I walk past, halfway through I decide to stop and ask for directions and turn to a fairly young officer, "excuse me sir could you tell me where I could find Lt Col Hughes tent please?" I ask nicely and he smiles back.

"Sure thing missus just follow me, I'm Dawson, im like an assistant to Lt Col Hughes, if you have any problems or any questions just come and ask me yeah?" He asks as he leads me to what I presume is Lt Col Hughes tent but when I walk in I can tell I'm in big trouble as I see my older brother Samuel looking at me with anger clear in his features.

"How on bloody hell are you here?" He asks incredously and I shrug my shoulders while ignoring the Lt Col's prescience in the tent, "I arrived here by magic carpet?" I ask and this infuriates him further, I see Brighton hasn't hold him that I was coming here, "I thought you were informed that I was coming here, seeing as you and Brighton shared my opinion on not wanting me to be married to Archwood" I state and Samuel starts playing with his moustache.

"Yes I do agree with you and Brighton but I didn't agree in him smuggling you into Gallipoli, it's not safe here for a young woman like you here, it's too dangerous" he states and my spine stiffens " what do you mean it's too dangerous?, too dangerous for a woman like me? Is that what you were saying?" I ask him and I can see that he's starting to lose his temper and the whole tent goes quiet, waiting to see his reaction.

"You don't understand do you sister? This place is still a battlefield, filled with plenty of unexploded grenades, shells and landmines than there are pebbles on the beach" he explains and now I understand his reasoning, "I'm well aware that when I was going to Gallipoli that it would be unsafe but I would rather take my chances here rather then be married to Archwood" I explain and Samuel shakes his head, "i do not get you sometimes, you would rather face a grenade rather then marry some bloke?" He asks and I nod my head and he sighs before turning and I follow his direction to see the man himself deep in thought.

"Lt Col Hughes, I've come here this morning to offer my assistance in any way I can but please I beg of you, please don't send me back" I ask him and he ponders this but then another person, a Turkish soldier comments " you are not an average british woman, you seem to be made of fire and spirit, made for adventure, an independent woman, we have a name for women like you,'Atesli Kadin' meaning fiery woman" he explains and I reflect on this before replying, "I've always been more into battle then balls for as long as I remember, that's for sure, I don't think we've meet I'm Genevieve" I introduce myself and he stands up and pecks my hand.

" A pleasure to meet you Genevieve I'm Major Hassan, I'm assisting the Anzacs" he introduces himself and I smile at him before someone clears their throat loudly and I see that Lt Col Hughes was the culprit, "before you get carried away I still haven't given my answer, as for my answer I don't believe you should remain on Gallipoli for safety reasons" he explains and my hope falls and defiance takes its place.

I glare at him and Samuel before returning my glare to him, "Well that's a shame, because the only way you'll be getting me back to England will be over my dead body" I spit venomously before I spin quickly on my heels and run out of the tent, I may have a few seconds head start but I'll need them, I know I don't have much time so I head back to the horses where I see the one I saw before was miraculously tacked up and I quickly mounted just as I heard Hughes yell "stop her" and I kicked the horse into a gallop.

I sidestepped the Anzacs that were walking over the campsite and lead the horse past the gate and into the wilderness of Gallipoli, I stop on a hill and turn back to see my brothers scrambling to get to their horses as well as Hughes who stopped to look at me with anger and something else.... Lust? In his eyes which seemed to convey a message "if you run I'll find you" so I give him a nod and a wink.

I then turn my horse and ride off into what could be potentially dangerous territory.

Will she find trouble? Will he get you her first? What will happen next? You have you to wait and find out, until next time my lovelies, I also apologise if this chapter is a bit short but I'll make it fir it with the next one don't you worry, mwah xx

Love after Gallipolli (Jai Courtney Fanfic)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon