Life of the party

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Will be some mild sexual content, so if you're underage, please be advised, I don't want to get sued, not on my bucket list :)

Genevieve's POV London, England 1 week later

Sucking in my breath I step out of the carriage and onto the gravel surrounding the entrance to the Morton manor, being forced with my arm twisted behind my back to go to the Archwood's dinner ball which will also by the way double as an announcement of mine and Roberts betrothal, but not for long I hope with a smile.

"Now Genevieve, you know what's expected of you tonight, I know that you're not fond of Robert in the slightest but for the good of the family you must come to accept this union" mother pleads with me, and I feel a slight sadness, I know that she wishes I could marry for love like how her and father did, but society wouldn't see it that way, to society I must mix with only the bluest of bloods, which would be a shame if I wanted to see what would happen if I were to meet a red blood man.

I return back to reality and give mother a small squeeze and smile "I'll try my best mother" and I'm honest on that, I will try for her but as soon as he annoys me, I am out of here, it's been a week since Brighton sent me that letter and I've replied, now tonight is my window, and I need only a reason to leave, everything is in place, good.

I enter the grand entrance to be in awe, I might not be fond of the Archwoods but they know how to decorate, or maybe their servants do, I push that thought to the back of my mind and continue walking through the door with mother by my side, we stop at the Duke and Duchess Archwood and curtsy to them, I see Robert isn't standing with them and a quick scan around the room shows that he is surrounded by many of the young socialites our age, typical, I turn back to the duke and duchess.

"It's a pleasure seeing you again, sir and madam, thank you for inviting us" I greet them and hold out my hand as the duke pecks my hand.
"Of course, young Genevieve, you're always a pleasure welcome here, I know that we will be seeing more of you in the future" the duke replies and I smile, oh if only he knew.
"Now dear, there's no need to keep us old birds company, go spend time with your betrothed we shall make the announcement soon" the duchess says and I feel panic go through me, I thought they would announce the engagement at dinner, I thought wrong.

I smile at them, curtsy, then walk off to meet with my 'betrothed', it's not hard as most of the socialites move out of my way but then there are some who just doesn't get the idea, one of them would be Mary Stark, a merchants daughter, somewhat pretty but also vicious, I've always disliked her, tonight even more so.

"Pardon me, but Robert, both of our parents wish us to join them at the top of the stairs" I say, interrupting what Mary was going to say, which she takes with displeasure, I only smile at her as Robert removes her from his side and makes his way towards me wrapping an arm around my waist and I try my best to keep a shudder in, his arm does nothing to me.

"It's a pleasure seeing you again Genevieve, I thought you wouldn't have come, seeing as you always have an excuse, I look forward to announcing our betrothal tonight, ..... Then I'll be the envy of every man in our court" he whispers the last part to me with smugness in his tone, oh if would like to retch my contents onto him, but that would be unladylike.

I moly nod at him and we make our way upstairs and take our place between the duke and duchess, thankfully mother is on my other side, I smile at her as a hush falls over the crowd who look up at us expectantly, great.

"Good evening" the duke starts off "first of all welcome to our humble little party, I know that things have not been easy since the war has ended as many of us still hold wounds and loved ones still in those faraway places, so tonight is the night where we hope some of you troubles can melt away and enjoy" a clap starts up from the crowd but the duke silences them once again, here it comes.
"I would also like to announce some amazing news, the news is that, my son Sir Robert, heir to Morton, and Lady Genevieve are to be betrothed, by the end of next week, please raise your glasses in honour of this beautiful union" the duke finishes off with raising his glass "to Robert and Genevieve".

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