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Genevieve's POV... 2 years later
Looking out at the London hustle and bustle, I sigh.
It feels too cold, too busy, too crowded, I may have been here for 2 years but it stills feel too wrong for me. Not like in Gallipoli, it felt right being there, but, 'no, I won't go there' I thought.
But then all of a sudden, I feel like I've been transported back there, I feel the sunlight, smell the horses and dirt, I am outside his tent, when I see Robert, but what I didn't see in time was the gun, and he lifts it to my direction.

"You're done for, you whore, you'll pay for betraying me" Robert says calmly, but as he pulls the trigger, Cyril grabs me and pushes me behind me, but wasn't able to protect himself as the bullet from Robert's gun hit him. I remember hearing shouting and screaming, but I felt woozy and heavy, as Cyril, my perfect, handsome lover, falls down, and I with him.
I hold him in my arms, I try looking for where the entry site was, but Cyril grabbed my face with his hands, he looked at me, and he was trying to say something, but nothing did come out, instead he stopped breathing and his hands were cold. And then I screamed and screamed until my voice was hoarse, until all of Gallipoli heard my anguish.

Robert was executed for the murder, freeing me from the arranged marriage. Cyril was given a full hero farewell, and was buried in Gallipoli, next to his brothers. And while a Will was not produced, I was able to ascertain all of his belongings with the respect of his family and what they wanted, which I complied with, although I was sad I could never meet them, not now.
I took many of his belongings, including clothes, medals, journals, I even took his horse, which I brought back with me to England. After that week, I eventually left with my mother for England. My brother had stayed to continue in Cyril's role. My mother had begged forgiveness ever since, she had claimed that she had no idea that Robert would even do that, and I believed her, after all she was my mother, I needed her more than ever, which couldn't be more from the truth.

(Babbling) Present time...
I return to the present, and look behind me, to see beautiful blue eyes and caramel curly hair stare up at me. I couldn't believe it, 'She's standing!!!', worried she might fall, I immediately cross the room to pick her up, she smells lovely and I start to cry, what Cyril would've given to be here, I try to hold my tears at bay.

Weeks after Gallipoli, I become violently nauseas, and couldn't stand the smells of certain foods like eggs, and then it dawned on me that I haven't had my monthly bleeds for months. It was then discovered that I was carrying Cyril's child, and that news nearly broke me, but obviously as I'm here now, I held on, I carried his child into this world. I named her Cyrilla Isolde Hughes, meaning Lady, Fair One. Later on in the pregnancy, I had written to Cyril's family, informing them of Cyril's child and asking for their blessing to give our child Cyril's name, and while they were mourning, they sent their acceptance with the wish to meet the child once born.

And once Cyrilla was born, crying and with all 10 fingers and toes, I cried, wishing that Cyril was there with me. But having my family's and Cyril's family supporting us made it easier, I had wished that I had met Cyril's family far earlier, but it wasn't meant to be. Our romance, while fleeting, was meant to be short lived in this world, but I know that I will see him again, and until then, I will raise our daughter, and will tell her all about him when she is older.

But unknowst to Genevieve, Cyril was always watching, from the moment he died in her arms, he watched her mourn him and his heart broke, but then was joyed when he found out at the same time as Genevieve when she was expecting their child, and cried when she wrote to his family, asking them if they wanted to be involved with his child and letting her give her his surname. But the most saddest moment was when he saw Genevieve bring her out into the world, and not being able to actually be there, all he could do was watch sadly, as he heard his daughter cry, knowing he could never hold her, nor be there to experience every milestone, every achievement.

All he could do was watch, and would wait for the time when he Genevieve would be reunited again, and wait he shall, for no one else has his heart but her, and he would wait for all eternity for her, because she would always be worth it.

The end...

I hope you guys aren't too mad, I had to finish this story off before I could attempt the other, and I was crying literally, as I wrote this chapter, so hopefully that's some consolation, anyways, it's time for the sun to set on this story now. Goodbye my lovelies x

Love after Gallipolli (Jai Courtney Fanfic)On viuen les histories. Descobreix ara