Waking up in his arms

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I promise to be good from here onwards, also thank you for over 700 reads, it's really encouraging to see such a result, anyways enjoy :)

Hughes POV

I carry her into my tent and place her gently on my bed, I couldn't care less what her brothers or what my men think, she is mine, and where she goes, I go, I delicately remove her boots and jacket and let her snuggle into my blanket while I take a seat in the chair next to my bed and I watch her as she sleeps. She looks so peaceful and even more stunning when she sleeps I thought.

But then I feel the tug of sleepiness begin to overpower me and I remove my boots and socks as well as my suspenders and I move to my bed and lay down next to her, then she rolls over and snuggles herself into me and I wrap her in my embrace and I feel the sleepiness start to overpower me, but as I fall asleep I don't see any demons attack me.

Genevieve's POV

Sunlight doesn't stream in my eyes this time, but that's not what woke me up, feeling overheated, woke my up, I open my eyes you to find myself encased by a very male officer, who is also snuggly cuddled up to me, I look at him to see that he looks peaceful when he asleep, like he has no troubles to worry him.

But he must've sensed me being awake as he tightens his arms around me and sighs "please don't go" he mumbles and I barely hear him "I'm not going anywhere, who said I was going?" I ask him and his eyes are still closed, "you keep the demons at bay, you make me sleep" he mumbles again and I finally understand, I bring him peace of mind to help him sleep better.

I decide to kiss him in the cheek which wakes him up straight away and he sits up straight, he looks around to see that it was me and he visibly relaxes before he pulls me into his embrace "good morning ma'am" he says huskily as he kisses my collarbone and I giggle "and good morning to you too sir" I reply which makes him smile "I was having a good morning until I was rudely woken up" he says as he stretches.

I unashamedly watch his muscles flex as he stretches and I don't remove my eyes when he stops and looks at me. He smirks "it isn't ladylike to stare at a make like that, especially at one you're not married to" he says in his Australian tone and I just fall into his beautiful green blue eyes, "but didn't you say that if I wanted to, that we could get married, travel..." I ask him and he smiles and chuckles, "I did promise that didn't i?" He asks as he kisses my temple.

"But first there is the matter of your other fiancée to deal with as well" he states as a matter if fact, and that little fact goes to the front of my mind, Robert, what am I going to do?

I must've gone into my own little world because I soon start feeling my shoulder shake to see Cyril's hand on my shoulder "where did you go to darling?" He asks me and I grab his hand in mine and smile, "just in my own little world, now on a more important note, when's breakfast?" I ask in the hopes of deterring him,and it seems to work as he hops out of his bed and puts his socks, boots and suspenders back on.

Then he stands straight and holds his hand out for me to take and I take it, to find myself sitting at the main table in his tent, he takes a seat and pats the chair next to him that I didn't see there before, making sure I'm presentable, I then take a seat as a person enters the tent.

"Morning sir, what'll be? Oh hello you to missus" he greets me and I smile at him, "good morning Dawson" I reply as I feel Cyril's hand land on my thigh underneath the table and squeezes it, I can tell that that's his way of saying I'm his, it's quite funny really, I bring my hand underneath and remove his from my thigh as he replies.

"Both me and Lady Edwards will be having breakfast here Dawson, usual for me and whatever we have available for her" he then picks up a letter and begins reading it as I sit here literally bored, "is there anything I could do to be of help?" I ask him and he looks at me, "well I could always use a maid" he suggests and I playfully smack his shoulder.

"Hahaha, note my laughter, I'm being serious, give me something to do, let me go out with you today" I suggest and he drops the letter he was reading to look at me again "that won't be a good idea, it isn't safe for a civilian and besides it's too..." I cut him off "too what? Dangerous? For a woman? I'll have you know that I rode off just yesterday and I didn't end up dead, I was fine, I'm not a child" I argue.

He sighs " I just don't want to risk you getting hurt, if you do, I could never forgive myself" he says as he takes my hands in his and massages them, "I'll be careful, I'd stay on the horse until your men deemed it safe, and then that way, I would be at your side, helping you" I reply and his shoulders sag in defeat.

"All right you win, after breakfast go and get changed to something you can move in comfortably, you'll most likely be riding and walking a lot, so no big skirts " he instructs me and I salute him "sir, yes sir" I giggle and he smiles at me just as our breakfasts arrive.

"Dawson, make sure there is an extra horse ready for lady Edwards, today she'll be joining us" Cyril instructs Dawson before he leaves the tent and Dawson just looks at me before he smiles "yes sir, I've got just the horse" he then salutes and walks out of the tent and I quickly scoff down my breakfast.

Once I've finished that, I immediately hop out of my chair and start to walk out of his tent when his voice stops me "and where do you think you're going?" He asks with a smirk in his voice and I smirk back at him "to get changed, unless you'd like the other men to see me ride a horse in this dress" I wiggle my hips at him and his eyes go dark.

"I'd drag you back into this tent and tie you up to the bed before I let that happen" he says in a calm tone, but his body language says otherwise, "so you better go and run quickly milady" he says, wiggling his brows, which makes me laugh as I walk out of the tent.

But as I exit I stop dead in my tracks in the entrance of the tent, as I lay eyes on people I never expected to see here in Gallipoli, one of them is my fiancé Robert and the other is my mother, she spots me first and makes a beeline for me with anger written in her features.

"Young lady we need to have a talk immediately" she screeches.

Boom! Cliffhanger, both mum and fiancé in Gallipoli, hmm, wonder how Hughes will take to that, maybe some punches get thrown, who knows, anyways I'll update when I can and I hope this chapter in someway makes up for not updating regularly, and I'll update the next one when I have time, but thanks to everybody who does follow this story and keeps up with it.

It's great to see support behind it and please keep it in your libraries as who knows when I'll update this story, thanks my lovelies xx

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