five- the other brother

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Alessandra Vitale:

Why are pretty guys so deceiving?

I had the worst night ever. It all started when we went back to his place. Owen was so sweet and kind on the drive back. We got some take out and watched Friends.

We only made it past the theme tune because his hand was already down his pants. I was obsessed with this man for years only for him to last less than two minutes and then ask when I was leaving.

I did end up staying on his couch because he doesn't like other people in his bed. I left before he woke up ,but not before taking a few cans of coke from his fridge. I deserve it.

There were no buses for the next hour so I walked all the way back to my college. It rained and then I got cat called twice. Isn't my life fantastic.

I get a few dirty looks walking through the halls. A few people i recognised from the party and they all look fucked up. One girl had a sling on and I can't help but chuckles at all the theories.

Before I reach my door, I see someone being ushered out by my roommate. A man.

"Hey, dude!" I shout out as the door is about to shut.

Both Katie and the stranger turn to meet me with shocked expressions. They look like they've been caught red handed.

"Who are you?" I ask the stranger.

"I'm Da-"

"He's no one." Katie and the man say in sync. They both turn to look at each other in a scolding way.

"Ok, I'm just going to go pee."

Oh my god, oh my god, oh my god.

Is she cheating on Reggie? How could she do this to him? I can't tell if I'm mad yet because I'm just in shock.

As soon as I walk into the bathroom, there is an instant hit of men's cologne and weed. There are a few joints left on the counter top laid next to a shit ton of tissues.

I hear the door to my dorm shut and I stop snooping around. Katie knocks on the door twice but remains silent. I slowly pull the door open to meet the face of a nervous Katie.

"Who was that?" I question almost instantly.

"I told you already, it's no one." She replies vaguely. Does she think I'm stupid?

"There are three joints on the side."

"Oh sorry, I just forgot to clean up. I got a craving when I got back from the party." She bullshits straight to my face.

"Was Reggie here?"

"No, he stayed for a while longer after I left. I didn't want to stop all the fun for him, you know."

"One person can't smoke three joints alone." I state, pointing out the obvious.

"I've just been-"

"Did you cheat on him?" I interrupt before the next excuse flies. It's a waste of both of our time.

She says nothing in response and just walks away from me.

"Katie this is so fucked up."

"It's not. It's really not." Katie mutters under her breath but loud enough so that I can hear.

"After everything he has done for you. You are such a little-" Before I get out the next word, she slaps me across the face. Damn.

"I love him and he loves me."

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