eight- a revelation

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Alessandra Vitale:

Here I am, sitting around a table covered with my favourite foods across from my best friends, being consumed by the one treacherous thought flooding my mind.

I can't even look at Reggie without my heart aching and my whole body twitching. There hasn't been a right moment to tell him, I think. There isn't a real indicator that says 'now's the time to break your best friend's heart'.

Arlo picked up on my fidgeting and pulled me aside before anyone else had noticed. I completely deflected from the issues and brought up how I had forgotten the humous so now that's the only issue he has to worry about.


It's like my conscience has been full on beating my ass for not spilling to Reggie. Am I as bad as Katie? Am I now an accomplice in her mess?


There is no need for my own head to be full of screams and shouts. This is not fair what so ever. I am going to go fucking-

"Aj, wake up bitch." I hear someone a call followed by a subsequent slap on the back of the head.

"Hey, that's not cool!" I look up to see Angelo staring at me with worry in his eyes.

"We've been asking you the same question for like two minutes. Where the fuck where you off to? Narnia?" He jokes, but not really. He sees it too.

"Sorry, I didn't sleep well so my head's just everywhere at the moment. What was the question?" I attempt to recover the situation before I am delivered a verbal slap in the face.

"I'm going to ask Katie to move in with me, like in a proper apartment. How and when do you think I should ask her?" Reggie asks me oh so innocently.

My heart cried out as the words just kept flowing and images of that night replay in my mind. There are so many emotions coming forward that I lose control of what words come out of ny mouth.


"No? What do you mean 'no'?" He pushes as I notice a change in his posture.

This has to be the moment. He needs to know and he needs to know now.

"You can not move in with her, Reggie. Trust me, you don't want this."

"What the hell are you talking about?" Arlo joins in as that hint of confusion sparks in his eye for a second time today.

"Yeah, what the hell are you talking about? Is this because she's your roommate and you don't want to lose her? She'll still see you like-" Reggie attempts to console me proving an assumption had already been made.

This isn't going to be easy for me, not one bit.

"I don't think that's the problem, Reggie. Just hear her out." Mattias joins in trying to save my ass since the look on Reggie's face had quickly turned sour and that meant trouble.

"Now it's you too. Why the fuck are you acting so weird about this? Can I not just live with the girl that I love?"

"You don't love her. You love Katie before she-" I gag on the words that I try to make out. A small, hopeful part of me still feels doubtful that i even saw what I saw or heard what I heard.

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