seven-a European Judge Judy

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Alessandra Vitale:

That was the worst fucking decision ever.

I am not sitting on a curb with blood dripping down onto my shirt and Mattias gagging at the sight of Arlo hurling into a bush. Angelo, of course, keep trying to call the cab company to ask where the fuck our ride is, his patience clearly running thin.

"Why did we do this?" Reggie questions as he plops down beside me.

"Don't ask me." I respond, glaring at Mattias with clear annoyance painted on my face.

"This is not my fault." Mattias defends himself ineffectively as Reggie moves farther away from him and closer to me.

"You were the one who thought it was a good idea to pick a fight with a guy at least half a foot taller than you." Angelo pipes up before putting the phone down a third time.

"I did not think it was a good idea, I just thought-"

"This is what happens when you think. We get into shit like this."

All I can do is watch on as the three boys around me throw blame around like a fucking hot potato. It's too late for arguing.

The buses aren't running, no one is picking up the phone and the cab's probably ditched to just go home. These shoes are giving me blisters too, which is just the icing on top of this shit show of a cake.

"Does no one have someone to call? It's really cold and I just want to be in my bed." Arlo chimes in as the vomiting subsides. Bless his little heart, honestly.

"Can't we call your brother, Mattias?" Reggie asks hesitantly.


"He's probably still up. He was at our show earlier so I doubt he went straight to bed after."

"No." He repeats monotonously.

"We have class tomorrow and we can't afford to be late again." I remind then as the thought of my bellowing professor lingers in the back of my mind.

She's very very scary and that French accent she has just makes it so much worse. It's like being scolded by a European Judge Judy.

"Fine, I'll call him, but I doubt he'll even pick up."

"Thank you, Matt."

His brother did in fact pick up and ,around ten minutes later, here he was. Pulling up right by us, he calls for us to get in. It wasn't as nice of a request as I just worded it thought. It was more like, 'get your sorry asses in this car before I drive off.' I was quite relieved when he opened the door for us though, it's the least we deserve.

"Thank you for picking us up-" Angelo thanks him, pausing so he could tell us his name.

"Daniel, my name is Daniel. I'm Mattias' older brother."

"So, do your friends call you Danny?" Reggie asks from beside me.


"Can I call you Danny?"

"No." What a dick.

"I'm so sorry for interrupting but I am a big fan of yours. I went to one of your games a couple weeks again and you were so amazing. That goal you made in your last match was legendary." Arlo spills in the span of abour fifteen seconds. It's not like the god damn Jonas brothers just hopped in the car.

"I appreciate that."

An obvious awkward silence fills the car as the two brothers in the front don't share a single word between them. Not even a slight glance could be spotted from either guy. It's so strange for all of us to witness.

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