nine- back in action

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Alessandra Vitale:

"Ross kissed me."


"Oh my god."

Seen it already. Click.

"She doesn't say 'I love you' like a normal person."

"Instead, she'll laugh, shake her head-"

Does the world hate me now? Click.

I've been sat in the same position on my bed for the past four and a half hours, I've practically made it a game at this point. It would be somewhere around the half way point of what would've been my second lecture of the day ; it actually is my second lecture, I just didn't feel like listening to an analysis of various Whitney Houston songs.

It's so quiet in the dorm now that Katie left. I mean, I really hate her and all, but I still sucks to be on alone. The dean won't let Arlo move in with me and I'm hardly seeing him as it is, so now I'm alone alone.

A knock on the door brings me back to earth and forces me to lose my game. Crippling anxiety: 1, Alessandra: 0.

"Yeah, I'm coming now. Just hold on for one second." I call out as I scurry around my room searching for slippers- no one is getting a free showing of my toes. My mother raised me far better than that.

"Hello-" I go to say before I realise who is standing in my door way.

"Reggie, hi."

"Hi, can I come in for a minute?" He asks just loud enough for me to hear, only looking down at the ground and practically anywhere I'm not.

"Of course you can come in."

Moving out of the way for him to come, I get a whiff of anxiety. He smells of marijuana and sweat, it's sad when you think about it.

"Don't mind the mess, Reg. I've not really adjusted to having more space yet." I mentally slap myself as I realise what I just brought up. That was me coming off way too strong and I can bet you he picked up on it. Fuck.

"How are you doing?" I ask hesitantly as I perch on my bed and Reggie does the same on the one opposite.

"I'm doing as good as I can be. How are you feeling? I know what happened hurt you."

"It's not my time to be hurt-"

"But you are and that's my bad. I understand why you did what you do now and I kind of respect you for it to be completely honest." He interrupts me blankly as he still avoids eye contact with me.

"I never wanted to hurt you. You're one of my best friends and I only had good intentions, I promise." He finally looks up at me and I spot the tears pooling in his eyes.

"I know, I know you did. I still really sorry though. I had no right to speak to you like that and it's never going to happen again."

"I'm sorry too. From now on there are no secrets between us." Reggie nods in agreement before coming over and pulling me up into his arms.

"I love you, Aj."

"I love you too. I really missed this." I whisper as we pull apart.

"So did I. I miss all of us. I really fucked up and I know that. I didn't mean for all of this to happen."

We both knew exactly what he was talking about. None of us had been speaking at all and it really sucks to be hurting when your alone. Not even Mattias has spoken to me. That really hurts me when I think about it.

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