Eternally Falling...

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It's useless.

I can't get out of this situation. No matter what I do...

And if you ask me... I think this is the only way I'll die, won't I?

No methods have worked so far.

So it'll be great if I could die like this.



In the darkness of this void-like place.

I think I'll call this place oblivion.

It's not like I can escape it, either.

And I don't plan to anyway.

Because I also want to die.

I still do.

Besides, this wasn't a mistake made by them. They wanted this.

They wanted me gone.

All because they realized what would happen if they didn't get rid of me fast enough.

All of their hard work would go to waste...

All because of a particular entity they held close...

Kept said entity to create it into a more powerful bio-weapon. Their only mistake was making it too powerful. So much so that they could no longer control it.

And that entity.... is ME.

Now you MUST be wondering...

What is happening? Who am I? Where am I?

Well, I am FALLING into a VOID-LIKE SPACE for ETERNITY because an empire wanted to get rid of me.

They tried many different ways for decades, but now this solution has also got me thinking that it will actually succeed... Unlike the other failures.

What is my name, you ask? That is not important for now. I don't have a name, anyway.

Call me whatever you like. Not like anyone would care.

I silently sigh to myself as I wonder if I'm finally beginning to lose it.
Oh, who am I kidding? I was never really sane.
I close my eyes as if they made a difference from the dark reality around me and drift off to a peaceful slumber.

One that I will never wake from.


That's a wrap for the first chapter!

What do you think?

An exciting new adventure awaits us with our new mysterious character!

ALSO, The cover is 100% mine. I made it, so please do NOT use it or steal it. Thank you.

Peace out! ~SW

BTW, I will be giving out clues for our character's name!

Each clue will be harder than the last, so good luck!

First clue: ._

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