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It has been a while...

A really long while...

I don't feel the cold anymore.

I don't even feel as if I am falling any longer.

I can't open my eyes; all I sense is darkness anyway.

I can't even move my body anymore.

I can't feel it; it's as if I don't have one.

My consciousness also drifts from and to unconsciousness now and again as well.

So I have concluded that I am dead.

I am finally dead.
After millennia of trying to rid myself of such a curse that others see as a blessing, I am dead.

I've been waiting for this for far too long.

Peaceful slumber without disturbances.

It's exactly what I need after the torture I went through.

I am finally free.

I let myself fall unconscious and drift off to oblivion.

... Until I wake up again.


What is this...?

I... I can't seem to fall asleep again...

And... I think... I'm starting to hear something...

Something... familiar...
Though I can't immediately put my finger on it, I realize it is the sound I last heard before I died.
I am falling again.




Ahh... Does Creation hate me this much...?

Or maybe I was trying to fool myself... I never really died... did I?
Because I still remember every. Single. Thing.

I can't let go of it. Even if I wished to forget, they made me like this.

They made it so that I could never forget what they had done to me. No matter how old I grow.

It is honestly torture...

Being alive, I mean.

It's so useless to me. Nothing is worth living for because all of it will just be taken away from me no matter where I am in this universe. I will lose all that I love and care for. No matter what or who it is. They will suffer because of M3.

So I don't bother getting my hopes up anymore... It's useless, after all...


Fallen and LostWhere stories live. Discover now