𝑪𝒉𝒂𝒑𝒕𝒆𝒓 𝟐

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America sat down again and took UNO out of his pocket.

"Ok well, for the first thing we do, I planned a game of UNO!" America said.

No one had anything against it so they just started playing. Everyone enjoyed it well maybe except for Japan that kept losing to America

"Just accept that I'm better at UNO than you" America said
"I'm just lucky that's all" America said
"Nah, you know I have to agree with Japan on this one, there's just no way dude" Canada said
"Can't believe my own brother is against me" America said and crossed his arms
"It just be like that sometimes" Ukraine said
"Mathematically speaking you drawing the same 5 cards is very unlikely" Germany said and cleaned his glasses
"Oh shut up you nerd" America said and threw a card at Germany
"Hey!" Germany yelled
"You deserved it" America said
"Why?!?" Germany looked at America confused "Why me and not anyone else?!?"
"Because I hated your father" America said
"America stop this nonsense, I didn't like his father too but I'm not mad at Germany for what his father had done, and he's right" UK said, sipping his tea
"OH SHUT UP YOU OLD MAN" America said "To be honest I was expecting you to be against me"
"Ok guys, how about we stop fighting and do something else?" Canada said trying to calm America down
"Sure but what?" America said
"Have you not planned anything after UNO?!" Canada said
"NO WHY WOULD I?!" America said "I thought that you had something planned!!"
"I DIDN'T?!?" Canada looked at America confused

America and Canada kept arguing for a few minutes, while everyone else sat there in silence. They probably would just listen to the whole thing if Japan hadn't come up with an idea for what to do.

"Hey! Let's tell each other some ghost stories!" Japan said "You know it's a Halloween sleepover, ghost stories are a must!"
"I like that idea!" Australia said
"I actually have a ghost story I can tell!" Japan said "Hey Ame, can you give me a flashlight?"

America stopped arguing with Canada and just gave Japan the flashlight, but right after continued arguing with his brother

"Ok, thanks for the flashlight but could you guys just please stop fighting so everyone can hear me?" Japan said, there wasn't much reaction at first, only after she asked them another 5 times to stop they actually did.

"So~ it's a story about Kuchisake-onna!" Japan said, turned on the flashlight and put it under her face to make the effect that all the movies have when someone starts telling a ghost story "It's a story about a woman who wears a mask because her face was cut, it is said she wanders around the streets looking for innocent people to hurt. She goes up to her victim and asks if she's beautiful, if you say no she kills you, but if you said yes she takes off her mask, showing her cut mouth and asks the same question again. If you say yes this time she takes scissors and cuts the victim's face the same way as hers, the victim's death is slow. If you say no also die. To save yourself you need to say that it's average or normal, then you have time to escape. Another way is to ask her if you're beautiful, then she walks away surprised"

Everyone listened to the story.

"Did you like the story?" Japan asked everyone
"Yea!" Everyone responded, except for Russia who didn't listen at all, who was thinking about vodka the whole time.

After that everyone stayed silent

"Okay, everyone, let's give some ideas, and we'll just choose the best one" America said
"Let's do some karaoke!" South Korea said
"We can read some books" Germany said
"How about we drink some Vodka" Russia said
"No! We should drink something more elegant, like tea." UK said and sipped his tea
"No, let's just eat some baguettes" France said
"How about we do nothing." North Korea said, done with everything that happened already
"I have a better idea! Let's have a pillow fight!" Poland said, picked up a pillow and threw it at Germany.

At this point everyone picked up pillows and started fighting. UK got a pillow thrown at him and it spilled all his tea, he left but everyone was too busy to notice someone was gone. In fact UK just went to cry in his room. Little did he know, that wasn't the best idea.

After 15 minutes of pillow fighting, broken TV, and feathers everywhere, not only from Poland's wings but also from inside the pillows. They finally noticed UK left, and America noticed the broken TV, so he started yelling at everyone trying to figure out who broke it. Again he was too busy doing that to notice his father was nowhere to be found, because the broken TV was too much for him and he was on the verge of tears, because now he can't watch his favorite TV series, called Ninjago.
After Canada managed to calm his brother down, telling him they can just buy a new TV, New Zealand said "Wait, has anyone seen UK?"

Everyone went silent. UK was gone for about an half and hour now and no one even noticed, just shows how much they care for him. Everyone gathered together in a circle, and they decided that New Zealand, Canada, Australia and America should look for UK because they live here. They didn't send France to look for him because they decided that 4 people is enough to look for one country, and she was too heartbroken anyway.

After 5 minutes, they hear New Zealand screaming at the top of his lungs, everyone runs to him. Just to find United Kingdom's DEAD body.

Murder Mystery very scary OooOOOoooOOO and spooky // Countryhumans [OLD]Where stories live. Discover now