it will be an adventure

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  • Dedicated to alexandraaaaaaaaaaaaa

jennifer's pov:

i was sitting alone on my sofa, and i got a call from alex 'emily has bailed

on me and i have no one to go to the meet and greet with will you come?'

i was supprised she had asked me cause she knows im not a big fan, but i do

think the are beautiful 'yeah i have nothing else to do. what time?' i asked

' i will come and pick you up in half a hour' half a hour great i have to look

perfect for 5 beautiful lads in half a hour 'okaii' i said and hung up.

i rushed and got a shower, it was the fastest shower of my life, i was out in

five minuites, dryed my hair and straightened it, i applied little makeup as

i was running out of time. 10 minuites... what was i to wear?!?! i pulled out

some leggings and a baggy top and shoved on some lacys. i shoved my phone and

purse in a bag and my autograph book for them to sign. and just as i was

walking down the stairs there was a knock on the door. 'come in!' i shouted

knowing who it was :) she came in and loocked stunning, she was wearing

a skater dress with cream flats and her hair was curled. 'hey you ready'

she asked me ' wow i never thourght u were so beautiful alex!' i sed

sarcastically, she rolled her eyes and off we went. we were in the car and

kiss you came on :p we bothed danced until we got to the meet and greet.

Alex pov:

we were in line.. I COULD SEE THEM!! we were next and i saw niall eying jenn

i looked at jen and she was on her phone not knowing he was looking at her

we walked up onto the stagy thing and i got my book signed and jen was so

calm probs because she isnt that big of a fan. anyway i saw niall ask the

secuirity gaurd somthing and he just nodded. we came of and me and jen were

about to go home and this tall guy the secuirity gaurd stoped us and asked

jen for her number and said niall horan wanted it. jen was shocked but she

gave the guy her number. then we went home and i dropped jen of at her house.

authers note: sorry this first chapter was short will post another chapter as soon as i write it :) hope you like it xxx

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