chapter 5

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ales's p.o.v:

i woke up in a white room, there was nothing no furnature nothing just white, i was alone in this big white room! i screemed potatoes to see if anyone was there, no one AND THEN SUDENLY a rihno appeared infront of me, 'make the most of your life alan, anything could happen you do not know day from day what could happen' he told me i stood there not knowin what was happening was this a joke? i felt a pain in my side and i went to put my hand on my waist but i couldnt move i was stuck in a big white room. i could hear people talking

'do you think she is ok' 'when will she wake up' 'is she alive' what are they on about im alive im here im awake im perfectly fine, where are these people!!!

'alex open your eyes'

???? i had my eyes open, i was so confused. and then my eyes shot open and there where six people around my bed five i did not know and 1 looked awfully familiar

'DOCTOR SHE HAS WOKE UP' a boy with a blond stripe in his quif called, he was very pretty, i feel like i should know these people.

'jenniferr? is that you?' i asked unsure of who these people where

'yes its me! are you okaii, did u have a dream about unicorns again? would u like a mince pie!!!!'

she was nearly crying... mince pies... unicorns.... 5 boys.... sexy lads.... irish accent


'okay calm down babe, everything is going to be okay the doctor had you have a little opperation on your hip and your going to have to stay in over night for observation, but i will stay with you, i promise' zayn that was his name zayn, i knew him by his voice, he was sweet and did i mention sexy?

'well thank you but i think i can leave now? im perfectly fine' i tried to move and then the pain came back in my side and i screemed the docter came rushing over and gave me a needle ugh i hate needels! but the pain whent.

'whats happened doctor?' i asked really confused

'you where in a car accident, these 6 people called an ambulence and saved you they have only little busises but unfortunatly you where hurt the most.....' the doctor was still talking but i heard jennifer intrude 'must be the luck of the ginger hun' i laughed at that and the doctor continued 'anyway you have fractured your hip and need to stay in over night so we can be sure your okay to leave your friends can stay here if they like' then he walked out of the room

everyone was looking at me

i didnt know what to say

i was only relising what had happend

'so i was going to the beach with one direction and a crazy man smashed into my side of the car all of u escaped fine but i nearly died then a rhino started talking to me in a dream and i thourght it was reall!!!!!!!!' i said trying to understand, talking to nobody imperticular just remenising to my self

'a rhino, hun ur turning into my mam, did u have a omlette in your dream?' jennfier asked trying to cheer me up

'acctually no... but i am craving omlettes now!' i said trying to smile

jennifers p.o.v:

we stayed there all night none of us could sleep but alex was out for the count! we were all up talking about how we should never let harry drive a car again and how crazy that man was! liam fell asleep on the windowsill with zayn on a chair next to him, louis was slowley falling to sleep and harry was out getting food, at 12 oclock at night. me and niall were both awake, i tried to stay awake to talk to him but i failed and fell asleep on his lap.

i woke up the next morning to cheers and no more beebing machines,

'whats going on?' i asked

'alex is free to go home as long as she doesnt do to much exercise and doesnt strain her hip' niall explained to me

'thats fine she doesnt do exercise anyway, were sisters right alan... ur hip is my hip, kinda well its not really but i will help you :) apart from the whole none exercising thing i have to do my exercise (lies)' i said laughing my head of and everyone else was looking at me like i was on leave from a metal home.

zayn's p.o.v:

i am so glad she was okay, i have only knew her a day but the way she flicks her ginger hair pretending to be some lad that she said she used to know in her i,t class (LOL) she is so random and funny i love her, allthough i am still upset about perrie i ended that relationship because i thourght it was going no where, i think i must have a thing for people from the north east!

'where nearly home princess' niall said to jennifer

bleh sick i hate lovey doveyness, i knew they liked each other now i have to set them up, as a friend and a brother i think its my job

nialls p.o.v:

zayn was talking to himself again, you can tell he has this experssion on his face like he has a plan!

'alex were home, shall i carry u in?' he asked alex.... ofcourse alex being alex she said yes

' we need to get them two together asap! they are so cute and as a brother and a friend i think it is my job' i said to jennifer and louis they both agreed and we went inside.

jennifer and alex decided to stay the night as they where both tierd and couldnt be botherd to go home, so i ran jennifer home to get some essentials and pjs and stuff and we went to the shop for a movie and food. we bourght madagascar 3 cause as jennifer says 'alex is like gloria in this movie' ahaha so we had to buy it.

we got home to find louis and harry snugled up (larry shippperrrr) and zayn and alex cuddled up and liam in the kitchen making popcorn!! yay for popcorn right?

we sat down on the sofa and chopped all the food we watched the movie and all fell asleep downstairs on the sofas, and harry was on the floor pretending to be a fish, but uno thats normal.

authers note: thats the last chapter for tonite ALEX!!!!!!

fingers are starting to hurt ahaha

leave a comment what should happen between alex and zayn and jennifer and niall

and anyother ideas that should be included in the next chapter

thanks for reading

love ewww :) (miranda quote)


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