chapter 2

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chapter 2:

jennifer's pov:

it had been 2 hrs since the meet and greet and he hadnt txt me, i had saw

pictures of him but he is so much fitter in reall life. i put my fone down

and gave up, i went to go make some lunch as i was starving!!!!!

i was in the kitchen and i heard my phone buzz. i did this life saving jump

across the sofa to my phone and picked it up

sms from: alex: hey has he text you yet? xxx

sms to: alex: NO i thourght that was him there but it was you, go away;) xxx

i put my phone down again and went to get back up and it buzzed, i swear if

it was alex she was dead!

sms from: unknown number: hi its niall here, hope you didnt mind me taking

your number you look like a cool girl we should hang out sometime? n x

sms to: Niall :)xx: heyy no i didnt mind but i did get scared when that big

man came up to us! yeah sounds fun. when? xx

i had just text niall horan ASKING TO HANG OUT what is going to happen!!

no reply 5 more minuites no reply, i knew it he thinks im desperate asking

when! 10 minuites no reply, i gave up again and went to ring my mam. oh i

forgot to tell you, im 18 and alex is 19 im at my finiall year in college i

finish in a week! wahoo and alex is at university.

so i called my mam and told her everything that happend she wasnt that

interested at first then i told her he was famous and she freaked out! she

was not wanting me to get into trouble bless her little heart ahaha

i put the phone down about half a hour later and went to check my phone.

1 new message from: niall :)xx : ah that would be paul, he scares me too!

maybe tommorow i can come and pick you up and you can come to me and the lads

house and chill? n xx


i replied in the collest way possible

sms to niall :)xx: yeah that would be nice thank you, i will be ready xx

i ran to the bathroom and put the bath on i wanted to be ready for when he

came and not looking like a tramp like i did at the meet and greet!

i went to sleep, i couldnt stop thinking about him and his blond hair!

(in the morning) i got out of bed at 10 and i was allready and had ate my

breakfast by 11. he came at half 11. i ran to the door and fell over the mat.

embrassing much!im so glad the door was closed! i opened the door to find him

standing there looking so damn hot!!!!!!!! 'ready to go?' he asked me, oosh

his irish accent melted me inside, he was just perfect 'yeah let me just grab

my bag, you can come in if you like' i said nervously, he might not want to

come in my house what was i thinking! 'yeah sure' he said in reply phew im

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