chapter 4

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jennifers p.o.v:

the days went so slow i just wanted friday to come, id finish college and i could hang out with the best people in the world! i kept looking at the clock in class, wishing it would speed up! i knew alex felt the same she just wanted to stare at zayn all day and hope one of the guys hug her!

alex's p.o.v:

me and jennifer were counting the days down! she has allready hung out with them twice, so not fair but i suppose friday will be amazinggggg. all i could think about is what im going to wear and how im going to have my hair! i am calling my friend abby to come and curl it for me as ino jen will be getting ready to.


1 more day!!!! i still have uni next week im jel of jenn cause she is free now, sometimes i wish i never went to uni i have to stay on for another 2 years! at least i get a monday and friday off and a long summer. it was 3 oclock and i just wanted to go to sleep and it be friday!!! and so thats what i did, i went home fed the dogs, got attacked by my dogs, talked to my dogs, and then fell asleep with my dogs..... i kinda love my dogs can you tell?

nialls p.o.v:

1 MORE NIGHT tommorow is going to be amazing the lads are excited to meet another geordie/macum too and i just cannt wait to snuggle with my snuggle buddy! i hope this alex isnt a shy girl or else she is doomed with all of us!

(friday morning)

jennifers p.o.v:

finiallllyyyyyyy its fridayyyy iv been waiting all week it feels like months and alex wont shut up about it! she is going to get ready and come round mine and then nialler and boo bear are coming to pick us up! yes i call them by their nicknames ITS FUN!!! im still a child at heart uno :)

so i got ready and wore by jeans and a stipy baggy top. alex text me saying she was on her way so i started to hurry up

*knocking at door*

she knows me too well by now she just walks into my house like she lives here, wich she practicaly does now! she eats all my food and rakes through all my stuff!!!!!!

she was wearing her jeans and her mcfly tee, great idea alex wear mcfly when ur going to hang out with 1D!

louis p.o.v:

we were driving to jennifers house, i still want to get to know this girl and her friend they seem allright! and if jennifer is crazy i sure hope her friends are. but crazy is good it makes things fun, nobody likes somone who cannt have a joke and takes things seriously all of the time right?

we were walking up to her house and this ginger girl was staring out of the window with a huge grin! im guessing thats her friend then.  jennifer opened the door and huged niall which lasted for ages and got awkuard so i coughed, and they broke apart.

jennifers p.o.v:

'alex come here i want you to meet somone' i shouted to alex! she came running down the stairs i thought she was going to fall seriously that girl is going around the bend! she looked at the door at louis and niall and just froze i had to drag her to the car!

we got to the house and settled down on the sofa.

i could see zayn looking at alex every so oftern and alex just wouldnt stop bouncing on her chair that she was in one directions house. i asked zayn 'so what bands do you like?' wanting to get him to talk to alex ' errm i like r&b uno but i like a bit of mcfly as well and rap' alex shot up at mcfly and they got talking. i was quite proud of my self for getting them to talk as he was just looking at her.

alex's p.o.v:

jennifer was talking to niall and the other boys were playing fifa.. so i continued my convo with zayn trying not to get lost in his eyes. he was telling me about his familly and his brothers and sisters and his mam and my family and my sister and how she is strange, then we started talking about newcastle, which i regret bringing up as i know he just broke up with perrie and she was from newcastle, but hey more chance for me to have him right? ;) we slowley made our way to the kitchen as it was too niosey to talk in there.

'so what kind of food do you like?' i asked

'erm i eat anything really erm what about you' he said in that sexy tone of his

'omgggggg so do iiiiii, except meat im a vegaterian' i said laughing

'eee well dont tell niall he will be affended but ur lack of chicken eating'

we both laughed and talked for like a hour about random stuff. it was really good, i started to like zayn as a person and not as the 'one direction member' 'mega superstar' but as him, he was much different behind camera then he is in interviews and stuff.

nialls p.o.v:

'what do you guys wanna do?' i asked everyone getting bored of playing fifa

'lets go to the beach' alex suggested in the happest tone like ever, you could tell she was so happy to be here ahaha she was funny

'yeah lets go to the beach!!!!! that would be awsome! see my bestfriend has the ideas of einstine' jen said laughing.

everyone agreed and we all got ready to go out.

we were on our way to the beach and this crazy driver was going all over the road and smashed into us! i climbed out of the car which was on its side and screemed for anyone that was still okaii, jenn climbed out, then louis, the liam, the zayn...

'wheres alex' jennfier was near to tears with distress

'liam call an ambulence, i can see her in the can i think the door has fell on her!' i sed

the ambulence soon came and took us all to the hospital for a check up and to rescue alex!

authers note: what will happen to alex>??Q?Q??Q?Q

will zayn ever love her?

if alex is reading this, im sorry u had to be the one that nearly died :D love you hunn :P

i will try my best to write another chapter tonite :) xxxxxx

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