Going out for Lovely Icecream!

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After their little "Fun" Vacation, Cesar decided that they should go get ice-cream and hang around the block for a while. Plus, I think it's been a long time since they ever had ice-cream.

  "Pleaseeee Mark!!" Cesar begged Mark, Adam and Jonah were upstairs, playing some of their video games..

Mark and Cesar were still in contact, Until..Cesar gave him, "The Puppy Eyes.." Mark gave a little sigh, and nodded..He couldn't resist such a face.

  "Yes!! Thank you Mark!!!!" Cesar hugged Mark, y'know, just a little best friend hug, is all it takes..

"Not a problem Ces-" Mark replied, Until he was being squeezed by Cesar, You always have some one who's got to thank you alot.

  "C-Ces, Your kind of squishing me a b-bit.." Mark said, As he took a breath a bit, and then Cesar noticed it, and quickly let go.

  "Sorry Mark! I'm just quite excited.."
Cesar managed to say those words..Mark nodded his head, for a "Apology Accepted!"

After a few hours later...

The 4 boys were already outside, walking the block around, Cesar was quite excited, Mark had to grasp his hand, so..He wouldn't run off, He's quite excited, his smile says otherwise...

  After a while, they saw it, The Ice cream truck..Kids were all in line, it was a hot day, since it was summer, so they must've really wanted a Cold, Ice cream, So did the teenagers, But..Mark and Adam, Noticed something was a little off, The Ice-Cream truck, Would tell the children to come inside of the van..Quite odd..Usually they would give their Ice-Cream and go, But..Jonah and Cesar were already desperate to go, so they went towards the Ice-Cream truck..

  "Hello sir!" Cesar bowed to the Ice-cream man, The Man had a suspicious look..Obviously, Mark already had a purple face..

  "Ah, Hello, Your quite beautiful you know that?~" He replied, In a Low tone..Cesar and Mark looked at each other, then looked at the man..

  "N-not nesscarily, but..Uhh, What do you want guys?-" Cesar questioned the other 3 boys, They quickly replied..

  "Cookies and Cream!" Jonah excitedly gossiped out..

  "Just uh-- Rasperry Popsicle." Adam said, Then Mark answered..

  "Chocolate ice cream.." He had a low tone, but he didn't sound like the man.

  "And for me! That will be a Vanilla ice-cream, and Thank you--" Cesar said last..

  "Absolutely~ Now, Would you please come inside the truck?~It's for special people only..~" The Ice-Cream Man quickly said, Only staring at Cesar..

  "I-Uh- Sure??.." Cesar didnt like the sound of this, but he went in anyway..The man Snickered at the three boys, Mark was already getting ready to punch the shit out of this man's face..

  "J just need him for a second!~ it won't be long I promise, especially your friend their, He seems already jealous?~" The man Tormented Mark a bit..Which made him more furious..

  "That Motherfuckers Trying to take Cesar? Ohh Fuck No.." Mark whispered a bit..The two boys beside him couldn't hear him at all..

  The man and Cesar came out..Cesar was a bit frightened, and came to Mark as quick as possible..

"Yeah, How much for your little friend?~He seems like a great toy~"
He said..Looking at thr Brunette, He growled under his breath a bit..

  "What did you do to him." Mark asked furiously.."I did nothing wrong, Right little guy?~" The man replied, and asked Cesar..He stood there, nudging on to Mark's sleeve, saying absolutely nothing to the man..Until Mark finally questioned of what he did to His best pal..

  "Ces, what did he do to you.."

  "H-He..Raped me a bit.." He said, His voice sounded like it was cracking and muffled..

He only managed to say that, Cesar knew what was going to happen, so he quickly let go of Mark, who looked to furious, Like he wanted to break something..Mark then walked up to the man..and whispered something to his ear..

  "You fucking touch him again, I'll break your fucking tiny dick, and Slap the shit out of your face, You got that Bastard?.."

"And so otherwise? Your not his boyfriend either way." The man quickly replied..

"Otherwise," Mark quickly kicked his dick, "That's what otherwise I'll do far worse bitch." The man was on the floor, Holding where he crotch was..Trying to take the pain..

  Mark quickly backed away..and swiped his hands..

  "You alright Ces?" He questioned, Cesar quickly answered..

  "Y-Yeah I'm fine!" He was quite stunned to speak, and the others, Jonah and Adam. Speaking suspicious jokes as always..

  A few minutes pass by the time, they all walk to home. And enjoy their evening..

  [804 words Woo!!! Hoped you guys enjoyed it :>]

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