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I sit, and I wait. I watch. Her chest falls and rises, and I know I should wake her up so we aren't late, but this is the first time in the past week that she's fallen asleep, and I can't take that away from her. She looks so peaceful, and I wish that she could stay like this forever. She's not hurting; she's not numb.

I hold her in my arms, afraid to let go. I want her this close forever.

She turns a little bit, before I realize that she's looking up at me. Her soft brown eyes glow in the white light.

"We should probably go." She quietly says. I nod my head.

"You gonna be okay?" I ask her.

"I'll be alright."


We get to the cemetery, the warmth of the afternoon sun feels good against the black of my suit. The grass is bright green, the sky deep blue. It's too nice outside for such a sad event.

Olivia clings to my arm, we walk around, mingling with people I don't recognize. A lot of I'm so sorry for your loss and my condolences. I know Olivia doesn't want to hear it. She never has. When her mother died, she would get so angry when people would try to offer their condolences. She didn't want them; all she wanted was her mother back. I have no doubt it will be the same.

She guides me to a man who looks oddly familiar.

"Mr. Leavitt, it's a pleasure to meet you." The man says. I shake his hand.

"Boston, this is my uncle; My dads brother."

"It's great to meet you as well. I'm deeply sorry for your loss." I say.

"It was his time. We knew it was going to come sooner or later. None of us guessed this early though."

"Do we ever guess it will happen early?" I say, pulling Olivia in by her hip.

"Exactly," He says, drifting away from the conversation. As he walks away, I notice a tall, dark haired man show up. He looks out of place. Nobody seems to recognize him. Except Olivia.

I notice her mumble something under her breath, before letting go of my arm. I take my hand away from her hip.

"I um," Olivia chokes out; I can see the tears forming in her eyes. "God this is not where I wanted this to happen. I didn't know you were going to be here," She says to the man. He looks over at me, judging me from head to toe.

"Boston, this is Greyson. Greyson, this is Boston."

In The End [ book 1 ]Where stories live. Discover now