7 - Ace Race

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if ever I try to push away, you can just keep me there.
- clearest blue by chvrches

"I call shotgun!" I yelled as the 5 of us ran towards the truck, the door already sliding open.

"It's so cramped at the back you have no idea!" Maya yelled in response.

"You owe me a new glove!" Berger said to Charlie, him nodding in response as we ran closer to the van.

"What's next?" Lizzie asked, all of us getting into the van and shutting the doors, Charlie stepping on the accelerator, maybe a bit too harshly as we swerved and almost hit another car before Charlie turned the steering wheel to the right, everyone screaming at the top of their lungs. The van started doing circles like a donut, making my head dizzy while everyone's screams filled my head. I held onto the handle above the seat while I heard Berger fall onto Maya and Lizzie, since they both shouted 'get off Berger!' extremely loudly.

"You're an excellent driver!" I heard Maya yell from the back, Berger still on top of her.

"Thanks!" He screamed back. I could hear the tires screech from outside, the gas clouding up the back window.


"Charlie!" I yelled, looking back at a car with flashing blue and red lights speeding behind us, "Those are police sirens! How bad can you be at driving?" Everyone looked back, Lizzie's eyes bulging in fear.

"Charlie, Charlie! I need you to gas it right now!" Lizzie said in panic, "I can't get arrested! I need to go to medical school!"

"Time for some evasive driving,"

"Yolo!" Charlie yelled, pushing up the lever and stepping onto the gas, rocketing us forward. Cars were driving beside us, so Charlie had to weave us side by side. I hung onto the handle above me, grasping Charlie's shoulders.

"Kill me, just do it, end it all at this point I'm not even joking," I said, speeding through my words and forcefully shutting my eyes. The police were just at our tail, making the 4 of us in the passenger seats panic.

"Charlie! Drive faster!" Lizzie demanded, Berger feeling as if he was going to barf at any moment. The three in the back looked past the back window, Lizzie turning with a face stained with tears, "They're still there!" She whined. I looked up on the roof of the truck, buttons filling up every empty space there was.

"This is a superhero's truck, what are we thinking?" I said, pushing every available button there was, including the several levers, "Come on, come on! One of these has to do something!" I mumbled under my breath in urgency.

"All of them, Octavia. Try all of them!" Lizzie yelled.

"This is a tactical vehicle. It must have diversionary features!" Maya said, giving me more hope. Each time I tried a button, lever or switch, different AI voices collided, all until I slid one of the switches.

"Automatic machine gun. Missiles. Discombobulator on," It spoke.

"WHAT!" I yelled, immediately sliding it back.

"Discombobulator off," I slid back into my chair, letting out a cold sigh, pressing one more button before braising for a bad impact.

"Engaging smoke screen," I heard clunks coming from behind the truck, smoke emerging from the road, blocking the back view.

"Is that smoke," Berger said in a panicked tone.

"It's smoke bombs," Lizzie said, sounding very straight forward.

"I CAN'T BE NEAR SMOKE I HAVE ASTHMA!" Berger yelled out, reaching into his pocket for his inhaler.

"ROLL DOWN THE WINDOW!" Lizzie screamed.

"I'M GOING TO BE DEAF," Maya screamed right after. Berger quickly sucked in the inhaler, his breath still unsteady.

"Let me have some," Lizzie asked, Berger moving the inhaler towards Lizzie. Maya was in between them, her expressions filled with disgust. I looked behind us, the cops still chasing our vehicle. Charlie was already at full speed, and so I decided to take matters into my own hands. As always.

"God damn are cops annoying sometimes," I said, continuing to swipe the screen, hoping to activate something useful.

"Come on, try something! Figure something out!" Lizzie urged. I began pressing on random buttons until the words 'Magnetic Pulse' appeared on the screen, a smile filled with glee on my face.

"Magnetic pulse activated,"

The cars beside us latched onto a couple of lasers, the car pushing them aside for us to go through. When we had passed, the magnet pulled them together to block the police car that was chasing us.

"Magnets bonded,"

"Nice button coordination, Tavia!" Maya said from the back seat. I shot her a smile, giving a wink as a thanks.

"Horrid driving, Kincaid," I said, Charlie giving me a dull look in response.

"I play Mario Kart at a very high level!" He yelled back, his heart still pacing from just now. We drove back to Charlie's father's house, which was in the middle of nowhere. I panted while getting off the truck, walking to the entrance of the house. Charlie got off too, seeming very tired.

"Charlie!" I said, walking towards him. He hummed in response, looking slightly upwards to look at me, "Before I forget," I said, pulling out a deck of gift cards from my pocket which were almost ruined from being tossed around in the vehicle, "Happy birthday," I handed him the deck of Nintendol gift cards, the frown turning into a bright smile after looking down at my present.

"You actually got me them," He said in awe, "You said it was a joke!" He looked at me in admiration, pulling me into a hug. I froze, a small blush appearing on my face as I hugged back, wrapping my hands around his back. I felt something vibrate in his pocket, making the both of us break apart from the hug, the rest staring at us with confusion spread over their faces, Maya holding a small smirk in. Charlie took out his phone from his pocket, his lively smile disappearing once more, me giving myself another mental slap.

"You guys go down, I'll be there in a sec," He said, not leaving his eyes off of the screen. I gave him a reassuring look before walking into the cabin, ascending down using the elevator.


words: 1071

uh huh... so i've basically had zero motivation to write this story. hoorayyy. but dont worry too much because i will still update this book, just not as frequent. i hope people still stick around! but if you dont, it's completely reasonable! for those who DO stick around, words cannot explain how much ilya rn. this is sorta a filler chapter. - Raven

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