Let's Climb A Mountain

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Let's climb a mountain.~Sirius


Because I've never climbed one before.~Sirius

Oh, I'm in. Let go climb a mountain when none of us has had any experience with it.~Frank

Yeah, might as well go tickle a sleeping dragon.~Mary

I think it's a great idea.~Marlene

Don't encourage him.~Frank

No really, I'll go.~Marlene

Then let us go climb a mountain.~Sirius

Please don't.~Mary

Ooh we should go get our hiking boots!~Marlene

I'll get my parka!~Sirius

I don't even know how to respond to half the things he says anymore.~Mary

And you think I do?~Frank


What happened to you two?~Remus

We didn't climb a mountain without any experience, if that's what you mean.~Marlene

Wha- what?~Lily

Yeah, we just... tickled a...sleeping dragon.~Sirius

Are you kidding me?~Alice

The school motto is literally 'Never Tickle A Sleeping Dragon'.~Remus

I don't even know what to do with you two anymore.~Lily

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