Child is born!

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A few minutes came by, mumei was ready to go on labor. The pain us getting painful again.

"Gaaah..! W-When do I push her out! It really hurts! Ahhgg..!" Mumei was positioned already.

"When the fuck are you going to make my wife push for fucking god sakes!"

"Cervix can push safely now.."

Mumei clenched on kronii's hand so hard kronii's hand started to go red.

"GWAK!... OW-" {" I can do this..-"}

Mumei started tearing 23 min of her pushing

"D-dont worry you can do this!"

40 Minutes later,

"Kh-keep pushing ma'am! I can see the head!" The doctor said trying to encourage her,while kronii is giving her emotional support + wipes her sweat and tears.

"You can do this babe!"

"Haa..ah..nnghh!"She was almost out of breath, it's like she's running but she's pushing her lungs out.

"I-ih..I.. can't do this anymore kronii!"

"Ma'am you can do this....the head is ALMOST out! please push harder!"the doctor looks up at her.

"I am pushing harder!" She shouts while pushing.

"Your baby is beautiful ma'am.., one last push please!a hard one! A harder one!"

" really hurts so bad.."

"One last please...mumei..I know it hurts..."

Mumei took a deep breath
"GAAAH..YOU DID THIS TO ME KRONII" mumei shouts while screaming like Super saiyan pushing her insides out.

"Ah-...." kronii embarrassed...

Try again next life [Kronmei Angst]Where stories live. Discover now