Chapter II: Drama On The Hogwarts Express

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A/n: Just to clarify if anyone is still confused; this is NOT an hp au! Senku and Y/n are not 2/3 of the golden trio! This takes place afterwards, with a new chosen one and a new dark lord.

Y/n Pov

We sit in a somewhat comfortable silence, Senku continuing to read and me twirling my wand between my fingers. I knew a few spells, like Wingardium Leviosa and Alohomora (Gen had taught me) but not much else. I figured we would learn plenty at Hogwarts- after all, that's what it's for.

There's a knock on the compartment door, thumping in the tune of "What Does The Fox Say".
The door slides open with a thud and behind it stands a kid, probably my age, with brown hair. He wore a blue hoodie and sweatpants, so I figured he was a muggleborn but I couldn't be sure. "Hey, can I sit here?" He loudly asks, nearly shouting.

"Sure." I give him a small smile and he takes a seat next to Senku. He pulls off his bag and dumps out the contents onto the table. It was filled with rocks and other minerals, which seems to catch Senku's interest. Senku picks up one of the items, a silvery metal looking thing. "What's this?"

The brunet looks at it. "Oh that's vibranium! Cool, right?"

Snelu scoffs, setting the metal down. "Vibranium? Like in Marvel movies? That can't possibly exist."

"Anything's possible with magic." I say. "Don't mind him. He's still in his muggle mindset." I say to the boy.

"Nah, I totally understand." He holds his hand out for me to shake. "I'm Chrome Fox."
I shake his hand. "Y/n Asagiri. That's Senku Ishigami."

Chrome's eyes widen. "Wait, wait, Asagiri? Like the Asagiri aurors?"

"Yeah, that would be my parents." I grin sheepishly. Almost everyone knew my parents, since they were some of the greatest aurors in our time (besides the former chosen one himself, but he had retired a few years ago).

"Wait, so you grew up with magic? That's so bad!" I assumed that was slang for cool or something.

"Yup, me and my brother were raised in the muggle world but we still did tons of magic."

As if he knew we were speaking about him, Gen bursts into our compartment, muttering curses under his breath. He then notices us. "Why hello, dearest sister and her acquaintances. Mind if I join you?"

I scowled at him. Was he serious? "Of course I mind! Why aren't you in your own compartment?"
Gen looks down at the ground, face red. "I might have turned one of the second years into an owl."

"... Okay you can sit here." I say at the same time as Chrome.

Time passes quickly, amongst Senku and Chrome discussing the minerals and me and Gen bickering about everything and anything.

"Did you hear about the rumors of a new dark lord?" Gen suddenly asks. Both me and Chrome snap our heads in his direction, whilst Senku continues reading, not quite understanding the severity of this.

"What? That's not possible! Harry Potter defeated Voldemort years ago!" Chrome furiously shakes his head, saying the words I was thinking.

"But it's possible for a new dark lord to rise." Gen shrugs.

I slap him on the shoulder. "Don't scare him, honestly, not all of us are used to your weirdness. And by that I mean none."

Gen places a hand on his heart, as if he's heartbroken. "Now now dear sister, don't be rude to your favorite brother."

"You're my only brother and yet, not my favorite." I deadpan.

We bicker the rest of the way, but the thought of a new dark lord still haunts me.

A/n: I finished the chapter in like a few hours. Oh the things I do for you readers.

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