Chapter 1 - They Meet

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She knew it was creepy to watch him like this, but she could count her crushes on one hand. It wasn't like she experienced this kind of attraction very often, and when she did, it was almost impossible to ignore.
It wasn't her fault that their apartment buildings faced each other. It wasn't her fault either, that their buildings both had rooftop access that she and he both frequented.

"I'm gonna go." She said, as she paced the living room.
"P, you haven't been invited and you don't live there. It's super weird." Her friend replied.

The line dropped momentarily as P entered the kitchen. The signal was terrible in there. She walked back into the living room, unable to stand still as she cemented her resolve.

"He doesn't know I don't live there. It's not like he knows everyone in the building. I'll just tell him I'm new to the area." P was trying and failing to convince her friend.
"Look, if you're gonna go, and you DO end up talking to him, you have to be honest. If he starts asking questions, you're not smart enough to keep track of lies. I'm not trying to be mean." The friend sighed. "I want him to meet YOU and like YOU, and if you start off with a pack of crap lies, he's not gonna see that, is he?"

P groaned as she realised her friend was right. Of course she was. She always was. The voice of reason and the reality check P often needed.

"So are you coming with me?" P asked in a childish voice. A gentle but humorous attempt at manipulation.
"I can't, I'm not in town next weekend. I'm visiting Mum and Dad." The friend replied. "I'll give him a bear hug for you, don't worry. Just ring Jay as soon as you get off the phone to me and make sure he's going so he can let you into the building. I don't know if he's home or at work that night." B advised.
"Will do. Thanks B. Talk to you soon." And with that, P ended the call and sat down on her tired sofa. She hurt her coccyx as her body weight hit the furniture frame.
"Fucking sofa!" She yelled, and she threw her foot back to kick the base.

P sat quietly for a few minutes and then turned her head to the window, seeing the familiar glow of blue light from his window. When she sat quietly, she could often hear the faint rumble of heavy drums, coming from his apartment. She picked up her phone again and found Jay in her contacts. Talking to Jay always made her nervous. He was one of her best friends but he wasn't always very supportive of her insane ideas. Especially when they involved men.

"Hey P, how's it going? Are you settling in okay?" He asked.
"Yeah! Work is good. I'm still trying to break into a clique but no luck yet." She smiled.
"Ah shit, it's like that? Fuck sake. I thought that shit ended when we left school." Jay said.
"Nah, it's not anywhere near as bad as that." P laughed. "I was calling to ask if you're going to your apartment buildings party next weekend?"
"I was planning on it, yeah. I'm not working. Why?" He asked.
"I was wondering if I could come too? I know I'm not a resident but..."
"Of course you can!" Jay interrupted. "No one is gonna stop you if you're my guest. I'd love to have you there, but it's gonna be cold so please dress appropriately." He warned.
"What does that mean?" P laughed.
"YOU'VE never told me, but that doesn't mean B hasn't. I know about your crush on Eddie, and before you ask, yes he's going."
P blushed so hard she was sure Jay could feel the heat from her cheeks, through the phone.
"Woah, Woah, hold on a fucking minute. I want to spend time with my best friend, not flirt with a rando." She lied, but her smile was audible.
"Yeah, alright." Jay smiled back. "Slag."
They both burst out laughing. P and Jay both knew it was unusual for her to show any interest in anyone, and far less usual for her to attempt to act on it.
"Come by at 7 and we can have a few drinks before we go up." Jay offered.
"Sounds great. I'll see you then." She said.
"Bye, P."


At 7pm on the dot, P was stood at the main door to Jays apartment building. She pressed the buzzer and took a step back. She shivered but not from the cold. She was so nervous to even stand near Eddie, she actually felt a little sick. They wouldn't even be in the same place for another couple of hours, but she could still bump into him in the hallway or on the stairs.
"Get your ass in here, P! I've got you a drink ready!" Jay called through the intercom.
P smiled and momentarily forgot about her nerves, as she pushed open the doors and made her way up the stairs to the 4th floor. Once she reached his corridor, she smelled the familiar incense and tobacco of Jays apartment and saw that his door was already open for her, allowing her a moment to take a breath and slow down before the inevitable grilling she was about to suffer through.
She walked in and closed the door behind her, placing her bag down at the shoebox and plonking herself carelessly down on Jays big comfortable sofa.
"Aaaaaaah, Jay, can I have your sofa?" She called out.
"No, you fucking can't, you cheeky shit." Jay called back.
He walked over to P with a glass in each hand. They were almost overflowing.
"I got a bit carried away with the rum, so if it's too strong, tough shit. Just drink it." Jay smirked.
"Are you trying to get me drunk, Mr Nettle?" P joked.
"Yeah, I'm trying to loosen you up for your new boyfriend." Jay teased.
P smacked his arm, and he spilled his drink a little.
"That's not nice! You know I'm bricking it. I'm probably gonna chicken out and not even talk to him."
"He's not a celebrity, P. I don't know why you're so nervous. He's just a regular guy. He's pretty chill. He talks to everyone. He'll like you. I mean, I have no idea what his type is or if he'll like you in that way, but he likes the same music as us and you have a lot in common with him. Even if it doesn't amount to anything, you could definitely be good friends with him if you'd settle for that."

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